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Encounters with Christianity

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Missionary Studies is a digitized collection of primary sources from a global range of Christian missions, churches, and denominations produced throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Geographic areas represented include Africa, East and South Asia, Australasia and the Pacific, and the Americas. The collection contains a wide variety of document types, including organizational records, personal papers, correspondence, journals, photographs, pamphlets, and ephemera. These primary sources are useful for the study of missionary, educational, and medical work; colonialism; political conflict; and the development of indigenous churches. 

Church Missionary Society Periodicals is a collection of digitized primary sources originally produced by the Church Missionary Society (CMS), the South American Missionary Society, and the Church of England Zenana Missionary Society (CEZMS) between 1804 and 2009. Founded by British philanthropists in 1799, CMS is an influential Protestant missionary organization with mission stations around the world. This collection provides not only a perspective of Christian mission work, but also world history, colonialism, and globalization. Material types include journals, letters, and reports. Rutgers has access to two modules of content on this platform:

  • Module I: Global Missions and Contemporary Encounters, 1804-2009
  • Module II: Medical Journals, Asian Missions and the Historical Record, 1816-1986

Missionary Schools for Native Americans: part of the database American Indian Histories and Cultures, a collection of digitized primary sources from the 17th to mid-20th century depicting American Indian history in the United States, Canada, and Mexico from American Indian and European perspectives. Material types include manuscripts (treaties, speeches, petitions, diaries, travel journals, and ledger books), artwork (illustrations, sketches, watercolors, oil paintings, and American Indian art), American Indian newspapers, rare books, photographs, and maps. Materials in this collection are from the Edward E. Ayer Collection at the Newberry Library in Chicago.

The Theological Commons is a digital library of over 150,000 resources on theology and religion. Developed in partnership with the Internet Archive, it contains books, journals, audio recordings, photographs, manuscripts, and other formats dating from 975 C.E. to the present. Its components include the Missionary Research Library Pamphlets collection, which contains selected pamphlets from the Missionary Research Library Archives held by The Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary. Columbia University Libraries, of which The Burke Library is a part, is funding the ongoing digitization of the pamphlets collection. Content will be added here over time as more pamphlets are digitized.  Browse the collection or search within this collection using the search box at the top of this page.