The archives of the Church Missionary Society, West Africa. Library Annex Stacks, 2894
We have Reels 1-3: North Nigeria mission, 1915-1925 and
Reels 4-7, Yoruba mission, 1915-1925.
Church of Scotland Missionary Archive. Library Annex Stacks 2897. 7 reels
We have Pt. 1. Missions to India and China, 1829-1933
Church Missionary Society Archives. Section II, Missions to women.Douglass Library Microfilm Materials 77, 58 reels Guide: Douglass BV2500.A2C48
Section V, Missions to the Americas. Library Annex Stacks 2851, 20 reels. Guide Alex
Reference BV2500.A2C48 1999
Council for World Mission archives, 1941-1950. Africa files. Alexander Library microfiche 630.
513 microfiches
IMC/CBMS archives: International Missionary Council and Council of British Missionary Societies. Alexander
Library microfiche 629
2517 microfiches in 52 boxes. 2/3 on Africa, 1/3 on India
Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society: Methodist Missionary Society Archives. Alexander Library Microfiche 524.
Guide: Alexander Reference BV2550.A427W4 1981
Minutes, reports and correspondence in mss. and typescript of the Wesleyan Methodist
Missionary Society and the Primitive Missionary Society, which merged with the
Missionary Society in 1932 to form the Methodist Missionary Society.