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Colombian Women Writers from the 19th Century

Introducing some of the women pioneers of writing in Colombia

Waldina Davila Ponce de Leon

Born: 16 December 1831
Died: 11 August 1900

Considered as one of the promoters of women poets, Waldina Davila Ponce de Leon published a volume of poetry and collaborated in the magazine La Mujer. She also wrote plays, among which Zuma, a work in three acts and in prose, stands out. Her work is characterized by its proximity to romanticism and some traditional elements typical of the second half of the 19th century. Her literary activity ranged from her contributions to the press, poetry, and the publication of short novels.


El arbol en mitad de la llanura
Meciendo altivo su opulenta copa,
Regala su belleza a los contornos
I al peregrino su apacible sombra
Cubierto está con verde de esperanza
Que forman frescas i lozanas hojas;
Semeja ser brillante primavera,
La juventud en sus fugaces horas.
Da el fruto i se despoja de sus galas;
Ya no se ven sus ramas voluptuosas,
I su tronco al hundirse en el torrente
Deja su germen, que a la tierra abona
Oh! Rara sucesión que al infinito
El Ser Supremo muestra con sus obras,
Lo mismo en la semilla de la grama
Que en la palmera rica i orgullosa!
Del mismo modo, idolatrada madre,
Brillo la luz de tu rosada aurora;
! Hermosos días que luego se trocaron
En la vejez helada i tenebrosa !

"A mi madre" (1868)


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