For your group project, you will be responsible for collecting and interpreting additional information about your client and the environment in which they operate. This guide outlines databases and other resources to help complete this assignment, including how to get started at the Rutgers Library, how to find background information on PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) and how to utilize primary and secondary data to support your campaign, such as business and market research, demographic data, research studies and marketing tips.
Related Library Guides to assist in your research include:
Instructions for connecting to library resources with your Net ID remotely.
Start typing your search in the QuickSearch bar at the top to find materials available from Rutgers libraries, including books, journals, articles and movies. Also has an Advanced Search feature for more targeted searching.
Answers to frequently asked questions about using our library system.
Explains how to request a book or article. Sign in to QuickSearch to see REQUEST options.
For more help using Rutgers library resources, including tutorials, citation managers, and tips on avoiding plagiarism, visit our Learning Tools pages.