The below databases and indexes are suggestions for places to begin your search for scholarly literature related to your topic. You can go to the library's Indexes and Databases page to find more.
Many of the indexes and databases Rutgers subscribes to are provided by various companies, which means that the interfaces will look different at first glance. Try to ignore the different colors and placement of the search boxes - underneath it all most of them work the same way!
Here are some tips to guide you through your searching:
What happens when I click ?
Clicking this button runs a software program that tries to do several things for you. Understanding the process will help you find your book or article more easily when the button doesn't work!
1. When you click "get it @ R," a program reads the citation information for your book or article from whatever database you're searching. Say you're looking to find the full text of "Teaching creative dexterity to dancers: critical reflections on conservatory dance education in the UK, Denmark and New Zealand" in Research in Dance Education, 2011, 12(1) 41-52. If you click "get it @ R," the program will go out and look to see whether or not Rutgers subscribes to Research in Dance Education electronically, and if so, if we have access to the year 2011. If it finds that Rutgers does, it will try to connect to the volume, issue, and page number of the article you're looking for.
2. The program might determine we don't have electronic access though. This could happen for books, chapters in books, dissertations, or journal articles we don't have access to online. If that's the case, you'll probably get a screen that looks like this (click image for clear view):
What to do now? Try clicking on Search the library catalog by Title. This will run a search for the journal title, Research in Dance Education, in the catalog, letting you know if we've got a print copy of the journal. In this case, it turns out we do have access online.
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