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Sports Business Program

Various ways to find articles

I can't find the article at Rutgers Libraries!

When you cannot find a full-text or PDF for an article, do not pay for the article yourself.  Check out Article Delivery Service.  The Interlibrary Loan office will do its best to obtain the article for you.

The service is free.  It take 1-4 business days to obtain the article electronically.  However, there are some exceptions.  For example, we cannot obtain an industry report or a case study that is prepared by some consulting firms.  Try FactivaBusiness Source Premier or IBISWorld for those studies.  Contact a librarian if you need further assistance.

Media Alerts

Several Rutgers databases allow the ability to set up news/media alerts, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Access World News and EBSCO (which includes Business Source Premier and Regional Business News).

See the Media Alert Instruction Sheet below for details.