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Sports Business Program

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Sports Analytics

Analytics has become the rage in sports over the past decade. Analytics in sports use statistics to help managers make better business decisions. Analytics are used from helping a manger know the age at which a player should be released or traded (due to cost or declining skills), or what skill correlates to success in a prospect, and is now even used in ticket-pricing. Analytics came on the scene in 2003, with the publication of Moneyball. Moneyball detailed the Oakland Athletics attempt to use analytics to turn their organization around. Now, teams are increasingly using data in their decision-making, from the Cleveland Browns and Philadelphia Sixers who amassed draft capital, to the Baltimore Ravens who have hired someone just to help them on 4th down. Sites such as Football Outsiders and Fivethirtyeight regularly bring stats into the analysis of sports. Sports analytics is now a sought-after position in the sports business world, and people can even take courses online about it. Here's a place to get started.

Sports Business Podcasts

Bloomberg Business of Sports: This podcast tries to “explain the money behind the final score.”

Business of Sports: NFL Business podcast. Andrew Brandt, a former VP of the Green Bay Packers, interviews sports industry leaders making news in the sports business.

Living Sport Podcast: A podcast geared towards college students and recent grads who want to know more about sport business and entrepreneurship.

Sports Business Journal Morning Buzzcast: A daily podcast on current sporting news.

Sports Business Journal Unpacks: A podcast that analyzes how current trends are impacting sports business.

Sports Business Radio Podcast: Sports Business Radio focuses on the issues and people impacting the world of support.

The Work in Sports Podcast: A podcast which talks to executives and individuals in the sport industry to find out what they look for in new hires.