Are you looking for an overview of the company?
Overviews will give you a company history, a revenue analysis, and potentially a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis.
Company websiteLocate your company website by searching Google. Useful information can often be found under the categories like "About Company," "Press Releases," or "For Investors."
MarketLineProvides access to MarketLine reports on companies which include company histories, key executives, a business description, a revenue analysis, a SWOT analysis, and key competitors.
Is the company publicly or privately owned? If a company is public, there will be much more information available; if a company is private, it can be very difficult to locate even the most basic information.
How can I determine if a company is public or private?
Bloomberg Business Week has a list of public companies. You can search by the name of the company here.
In addition, if you go to Yahoo! Finance and find the ticker symbol for the company, then the company is a publicly held company. A private company does not sell stock to the general public, and the stock is not traded on an exchange.
Are there any news articles or journal articles that covers the company?
You can find articles about your company using the following databases. Try to be flexible in how you search. If necessary, try searching for a product name along with the company name. For example, try searching the terms "wearables" or "smartwatches" when you want to find information about the company "Fitbit".
Business Source PremierFind articles about your company and its products
FactivaProvides access to thousands of international publications, including The Wall Street Journal.
Access World NewsSearch for New Jersey-specific content from are newspapers
Are you looking for financial data about the public company? Looking at a company's financial performance over a period of several years can give you a clear picture of where it is headed.
IBISWorldContains detailed industry reports for over 1,200 industries operating in the U.S., China and globally. The U.S. content is further divided into state reports and economic profiles. Browse by industry category, NAICS code or search by keyword.
MarketLineMarketLine provides original industry, company, market analysis, and country reports and data based on published research and primary and secondary data sources. This growing collection currently includes 3,500 industry profiles, market data on 150 consumer products in over 60 countries, 30,000 company profiles, 2,500 company SWOT analyses, summaries of 50,000 M&A and financial deals, 110 country profiles, and economic and demographic indicators for 215 countries.
Mergent OnlineProvides up to 25 years of annual and quarterly financial data for public and private companies. Has corporate histories including mergers and acquisitions, lists of any subsidiaries and property holdings, and links to SEC filings and stakeholder annual reports. The Supply Chain tab provides profiles of over 6,000 actively traded public companies in the US, including each company's competitors, suppliers, partners, and corporate customers.
Global Financial DataThe Global Financial Database is an international collection of historical and current financial and economic data. Covering more than 150 different countries, it provides over 30,000 different data series that are immediately downloadable from the website. Rutgers subscribes to the GFDatabase, but does not subscribe or have access to the US Stock Database, UK Stock Database, or the Real Estate Database.
What if I need to research a private company?
Looking for information for private companies could be extremely difficult. The following article contains a checklist that is prepared for professionals who want to research a private company. You will find the checklist handy when locating information for a private company. Click the link below and login with your Rutgers NetID.
Ojala, Marydee. "Checklists for Private Company Research.” Online 35, no. 1 (February 1, 2011): 48–50.