The Rutgers Sports Business Program is well known, with famous business alumni such as former NBA commissioner David Stern, ESPN founder Bill Rasmussen, IMG College President Tim Pernetti, and former NFL SVP Brian LaFemina, among others.
Use the tabs above to find resources in the area of sports business and adminstration. Much of the information is available through the library databases at Rutgers. You can access them remotely.
Accessing Library Databases explains where the databases are listed and how you can search them remotely.
Finding books explains how to find books at Rutgers Libraries, and how to locate ebooks related to sports business and management.
Finding articles lists various ways where you can find articles so that you get familiar with a topic or do a literature review.
Market Sector contains recommended library resources for finding information about an industry or a market sector, and establishing who the top competitors are in your sector.
Company Research contains recommended resources for finding company information and SWOT Analysis.
Be sure to watch Business Videos. Each of these videos is no more than 5 minutes long. These videos will help you understand what business research is. More importantly, you will learn what library databases to use in order to do business research.