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Civil Rights and Social Movements


ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection
Index to over 10,000 social science titles, including journal articles, books, dissertations, proceedings, and government publications; full-text access to over 1800 journals. International and interdisciplinary in scope. Among other databases includes: ASSIA: Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts, Proquest Criminal Justice, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, PAIS International, Proquest Political Science, Sociological Abstracts, Social Services Abstracts. and Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. (Rutgers-restricted Access)


America: History and Life
1964- . The most comprehensive index to American (U.S. and Canada) history. Indexes over 2000 journals worldwide, as well as book reviews and dissertations. Rutgers-restricted Access.

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Abstracts
Comprehensive index to journals, books, government publications, dissertations, and reports relating to criminal justice, criminology, and related disciplines from 1968 to the present. Rutgers-restricted Access


ERIC - Educational Resources Information Center
The premier resource for educational research, the ERIC database contains more than one million abstracts covering research documents, journal articles, technical reports, program descriptions and evaluations, and curricular materials in the field of education. 1966+ Rutgers-restricted Access
ProQuest Education Journals
Index to more than 900 scholarly journals in the field of Education, along with trade journals and magazines. Approximately 600 titles are available full-text. Rutgers-restricted Access

Gender and Sexuality

1970- Indexes articles relating to women and gender, including gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues. Includes non-mainstream publications. Rutgers-restricted Access
LGBTQ+ Source
Collection of scholarly and popular publications covering lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer issues, including journals, books, magazines, and newspapers. Rutgers-restricted Access.
Women's Studies International
1972- Women's Studies International is the most comprehensive index to women's studies resources. Incorporates citations from Women Studies Abstracts, Women's Studies Bibliography Database, and the Women's Studies Database, among others. Rutgers-restricted Access.
Gender: Identity and Social Change
Digitized primary sources depicting gender history, women's suffrage, the feminist movement, and the men's movement. Rutgers-restricted Access


JSTOR provides electronic access to back runs, many back to the 19th century or earlier, of more than 2000 important scholarly journals in a variety of disciplines. JSTOR does not include current issues of journals; generally the most recently published issue of any current journal will not appear in JSTOR until 3-5 years after the publishing date. Rutgers current access is to ten of the twelve JSTOR Arts and Sciences collections. Rutgers-restricted access

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