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Federal Agencies Public Access Policies

This guide is intended for use by the researchers at Rutgers University. It covers an overview and requirements of the policy, addressing copyright issues, submission methods, citing PMCID, and how to manage compliance.

NIH Public Access Submission System

NIH Public Access Submission System 

The NIH Public Access Policy applies to any manuscript that is peer-reviewed, is accepted for publication in a journal on or after April 7, 2008 and arises from any direct funding from: 

  • an NIH grant or cooperative agreement active in Fiscal Year 2008 or beyond, or;
  • an NIH contract signed on or after April 7, 2008, or;
  • the NIH Intramural Program, or;
  • an NIH employee

NIH Manuscript Submission System (NIHMS)

NIHMS ( allows you to you to submit an electronic version of your peer-reviewed final manuscript for inclusion in PubMed Central. In January 2015, the NIHMS system was redesigned with a new look. 

Below is the screen capture to show how to log into NIHMS:

Tutorials on NIHMS

The NIHMS System User's Guide to Submitting a Manuscript  -  This user’s guide gives you step-by-step instructions on how to submit and approve manuscripts so that they may be placed in PMC for permanent archiving.

NIHMS System Slide Show Help  - The NIHMS System Slide Shows demonstrate how to perform various actions in a step-by-step fashion and are illustrated with screen captures.


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