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Gender and Sexuality in U.S. History

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This is a selected list of databases that you may find useful for finding articles on your topic. You can also check out the complete list of Rutgers online indexes and databases.



America: History and Life
1964- . The most comprehensive index to American (U.S. and Canada) history. Indexes over 2000 journals worldwide, as well as book reviews and dissertations. Rutgers-restricted Access.
ViVa: A Bibliography of Women's History in Historical and Women's Studies Journals
Index to over 12,000 articles on women's and gender history published from 1975 to the present in historical and women's studies journals.

Gender and Sexuality

1970- Indexes articles relating to women and gender, including gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues. Includes non-mainstream publications. Rutgers-restricted Access
Women's Studies International
1972- Women's Studies International is the most comprehensive index to women's studies resources. Incorporates citations from Women Studies Abstracts, Women's Studies Bibliography Database, and the Women's Studies Database, among others. Rutgers-restricted Access.
SexBiblio: Bibliography of the History of Western Sexuality
Database of over 27,000 titles of primary and secondary literature of the history of sexuality in Europe, the U.S. and Canada from 1700 to 2007/2008.

History of Medicine

History of Science, Technology, and Medicine
1975- . Searchable bibliography of articles, books, proceedings, and dissertations. Integrates the Isis Current Bibliography of the History of Science, the Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (Technology and Culture), the Bibliografia Italiana di Storia della Scienza and the Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine. Rutgers-restricted Access
Index to clinical medicine; PubMed includes citations to more than 250,000 journal articles in the history of medicine and related fields published since 1964. Use the "Limits" function to limit your search to "Historical Article."


Music Index Online
1973- . Indexes over 850 music periodicals. Rutgers-restricted Access

Political Science and Public Policy

Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
Index to over 1,300 journals in political science, international relations, public policy and related fields. Rutgers-restricted Access
Public Affairs Information Service
1915- Index to books, reports, government documents, and journals dealing with political, social, and public policy issues. Rutgers-restricted Access


Sociologial Abstracts
1963- Index to approximately 1800 scholarly and professional journals in sociology and related disciplines, as well as to books reviews, books, book chapters, dissertations and conference papers. Rutgers-restricted Access.


JSTOR provides electronic access to back runs, many back to the 19th century or earlier, of hundreds of important scholarly journals in a variety of disciplines. JSTOR does not include current issues of journals; generally the most recently published issue of any current journal will not appear in JSTOR until 3-5 years after the publishing date. Rutgers current access is to ten of the twelve JSTOR Arts and Sciences collections. Rutgers-restricted Access

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Google Scholar
Use the Google search engine to search specifically for scholarly literature including books, peer-reviewed articles, theses, preprints, and technical reports.

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