Antics of the artists 2010
Rina Sherman, Peter Klatzow, Low Tech Film Art (Firm), and Documentary Educational Resources (Firm)
"In and around the pool, an array of creatures move about."--Container. 1 videodisc (9 min.) :
MEDIA 10-3651
Avant-garde experimental cinema, 1922-1954 c2009
Long before home video there flourished an alternative cinema culture on college campuses and around art theaters, where foreign film fare was often accompanied by a short subject. As reliable 16mm film equipment became available to non-professionals, artists independent of film centers began experimenting with cinema. Serious film societies sprang up in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, holding semi-private screenings of non-commercial artistic films. For years, these pictures have been exhibited only in infrequent museum screenings, if at all. This collection is of mainly American pictures, principally one-man artistic endeavors made from little more than an artist's desire to express feelings with a camera. 2 videodiscs (ca. 289 min.)
MEDIA 10-4367
Avant-garde experimental cinema of the 1920s and '30s c2005
Originally produced as individual silent motion pictures in France, the Netherlands, Germany, and the United States, these twenty-five short films epitomize the avant garde movement of the 1920's and 1930's. The films are drawn from the collection assembled by Raymond Rohauer, one of the nation's foremost proponents of experimental cinema, founder of the Hollywood Film Society, and longtime programmer at the Coronet Theatre in Los Angeles. Rohauer helped preserve and promote avant-garde cinema, and these films from his personal archive are some of the most influential and eclectic short films made during the 20th Century. 2 videodiscs (407 min.)
MEDIA 10-4366
Bedevil 1993, s2005?
Tracey Moffatt, Anthony Buckley, Carol Hughes, Southern Star Entertainment (Firm), and Women Make Movies (Firm)
Mister Chuck: A young boy is fascinated and terrified by a swamp that is haunted by the ghost of an American GI. Choo Choo Choo Choo: A family living by railroad tracks haunted by strange happenings. Lovin the spin I'm in: Follows a woman who resists eviction attempts by her landlord so she can keep vigil for her dead son. 1 videodisc (90 min.)
MEDIA 10-1168
Blank city 2012
In the late 1970s to the middle 1980s, Manhattan was in ruins. But true art has never come from comfort, and it was precisely those dire circumstances that inspired artists like Jim Jarmusch, Lizzy Borden, and Amos Poe to produce some of their best works. Taking their cues from punk rock and new wave music, these young maverick filmmakers confronted viewers with a stark reality that stood in powerful contrast to the escapist product being churned out by Hollywood. Documents the history of "No wave cinema" and "cinema of transgression" movements. 1 videodisc (95 min.)
MEDIA 10-4313
Chelovek s kino-apparatom zapis £ na plenke v 6-i rolikakh (Otryvok iz dnevnika kino-operatora) = The man with the movie camera c1998, 1929
An experimental film which uses numerous cinematic techniques (split screens, multiple superimpositions, variable speeds, stop-action animation, etc.) to present a dawn-to-dusk view of the Soviet Union and to study the relationship between cinema and reality. 1 videodisc (68 min.)
MEDIA 10-4677
Daughter rite 1980, 2007?
Michelle Citron, Jerri Hancock, and Women Make Movies (Firm)
An experimental film that explores the relationships between mothers and their adult daughters. 1 videodisc (53 min.)
MEDIA 10-1146
Departures c2011
A collection of short films by Gunvor Nelson who "is a painter, photographer and master of personal film and video. A celebrated artist in her native Sweden, she pioneered personal filmmaking in California from the 1960s to the 1990s." -- Re:Voir website. 1 videodisc (47 min.)
MEDIA 10-4065
The films of Kenneth Anger: Volume two 1964, c2007
Kenneth Anger, Puck Film Productions, and Fantoma Films (Firm)
Scorpio rising (1964, col., 28 min.) ; Kustom kar kommandos (1965, col., 3 min.) ; Invocation of my demon brother (1969, col., 11 min.) ; Rabbit's moon (1979, tinted b&w, 7 min.) / Puck Film Productions -- Lucifer rising (1981, col., 28 min.) / music by Bobby BeauSoleil -- The man we want to hang (2002, col., 14 min.) / music, Anatol Liadov. 1 videodisc (91 min.)
MEDIA 10-1454
Germaine Dulac drei Filme der franz©sischen Stummfilm-Pionierin 2007
La souriante Madame Beudet: A study in domestic conflicts, this portrays the life and dreams of a housewife in a small town who is married to a repulsive businessman. L'invitation au voyage: Set in a cabaret, a married women meets a young officer. La coquille et le clergyman: A clergyman, committed by his calling to celibacy but in love with a romantic beauty, is afflicted by sexual torments he is unable to resolve. The surrealist film is composed of a series of episodes using Freudian imagery to express the clergyman's mental anguish. 1 videodisc (117 min.)
MEDIA 10-4893
Hitler, a film from Germany 2007
Hans Jeurgen Syberberg, Harry Baer, Westdeutscher Rundfunk, British Broadcasting Corporation, and Facets Video (Firm)
Experimental film providing a panoramic view of the sources which helped shape early twentieth-century Germany through the Nazi period. 2 videodiscs (420 min.)
MEDIA 10-2019
In the mirror of Maya Deren 2004, c2001
Maya Deren, Martina Kudlįcek, John Zorn , Stan Brakhage, Zeitgeist Films, Navigator Film (Firm), Dschoint Ventschr (Firm), and Tag/Traum Filmproduktion
Interweaves excerpts from some of Maya Deren's films with archival footage and commentary by acolytes and contemporaries, such as Stan Brakhage and Jonas Mekas. Includes excerpts from the films: At land, Ritual in transfigured time, and Meshes of the afternoon. 1 videodisc (101 min.) :
MEDIA 10-2934
Lisa Steele collection, 1972-1984 2013
This compilation contains 15 titles -- some with multiple parts -- made between 1972 and 1984. It includes the acknowledged "classics" of video art Birthday Suit, with scars and defects, a work that has been the object of dozens of homage works created by younger artists and one that signaled Steele's early consideration of feminism as a founding principle for her work as an artist, as well as The Ballad of Dan Peoples and A Very Personal Story, both early innovative works of narrative recovery. The compilation also includes a number of lesser known -- and even unknown -- works from Steele's early oeuvre, including a single channel version of the rarely seen 3-channel work Internal Pornography and the only film work in this compilation, This is Not A Home Movie from 1984, a Super-8 work commissioned to investigate women's erotic film language. The Gloria tapes. "Modelled on the soap opera format, this four-part series follows a young single mother who's on welfare. It has been said that Gloria depicts a crisis of language, as she lacks the ability to speak on her own behalf. Thus she must rely on the words of others - those in positions of authority within her life: her father, her social worker, doctors, judges, etc. - to construct her circumstances into a form of communication that is about her and not for her. I think this is only part of Gloria, however, because in spite of the escalating catastrophes that befall her, Gloria reveals her ability to literally get hold of the language that has been oppressing her. First through repetition and retelling and finally by "breaking the silence" of her own painful childhood, she shows herself to be capable of surviving and changing." L.S. Some call it bad luck. "I produced this tape to examine the process of interrogation. I used the format of a "cop show" but removed all the action; the people just talk. The story is simple enough: Donna (the main character) works in a laboratory as a technician. One night when she's working late, an armed man enters and holds her hostage. Before morning, the police have intervened, the man is dead, and Donna herself is under suspicion. These events all occur before the tape opens. The subject of this tape is based on my own observations of how legal and law enforcement agencies interact with women. This is not so much a story of corruption within the police force as it is an examination of how order and authority reproduce themselves, developing an account of reality, one that differs greatly from the lives of the powerless people that these 'official conclusions' supposedly describe." -L.S. 1 videodisc (103 min..)
MEDIA 10-4738 disc 5
Lisa Steele collection, 1972-1984 2013
This compilation contains 15 titles -- some with multiple parts -- made between 1972 and 1984. It includes the acknowledged "classics" of video art Birthday Suit, with scars and defects, a work that has been the object of dozens of homage works created by younger artists and one that signaled Steele's early consideration of feminism as a founding principle for her work as an artist, as well as The Ballad of Dan Peoples and A Very Personal Story, both early innovative works of narrative recovery. The compilation also includes a number of lesser known -- and even unknown -- works from Steele's early oeuvre, including a single channel version of the rarely seen 3-channel work Internal Pornography and the only film work in this compilation, This is Not A Home Movie from 1984, a Super-8 work commissioned to investigate women's erotic film language. "I was living in the United States, for a few months in 1976-77, when the controversy over genetic engineering was just breaking. There were daily accounts in the newspapers and popular magazines discussing the issues. Simultaneously, the centre for Disease Control was hitting the media with post-Legionnaire's-Disease publicity. Not since the moon walk had scientists been given such a public voice. In doing this four-part tape, I used not only popular media coverage but also texts from technical journals to present the dialogue between the two scientists: a genetic engineer and a clinical microbiologist. But these two scientists exchange more than scientific jargon; they are also having a long-distance love affair. And the cool, orderly professional phrases of their conversations are in contrast of their desire. I didn't make these tapes to "humanize" professional scientists, but rather to indicate that their jobs directly touched human existence, despite the distance they are able to create through use of the cool 'objective' language of science." -L.S. 1 videodisc (71 min.)
MEDIA 10-4738 disc 4
Lisa Steele collection, 1972-1984 2013
This compilation contains 15 titles -- some with multiple parts -- made between 1972 and 1984. It includes the acknowledged "classics" of video art Birthday Suit, with scars and defects, a work that has been the object of dozens of homage works created by younger artists and one that signaled Steele's early consideration of feminism as a founding principle for her work as an artist, as well as The Ballad of Dan Peoples and A Very Personal Story, both early innovative works of narrative recovery. The compilation also includes a number of lesser known -- and even unknown -- works from Steele's early oeuvre, including a single channel version of the rarely seen 3-channel work Internal Pornography and the only film work in this compilation, This is Not A Home Movie from 1984, a Super-8 work commissioned to investigate women's erotic film language. "In this tape I wanted to construct a fictional narrative and also to tell a 'story' with visual images. Inspired by, more than based on , the King Arthur-Lancelot-Guinevere legend, this seven-part tape tells the story of a woman existing within both marriage and an 'affair,' both male-defined confines to her. Seen from her own viewpoint, she is a sleeper waking to a world almost totally inhabited by insects. She sees everything in extreme close-up, describing her life, the movement of the insects, sexual experiences, and finally her own death in the same microscopic detail. Throughout the tape, I tried to maintain a visual silence; that is, the images may change frequently but movement within each frame is kept to a minimum."-L.S. 1 videodisc (79 min.)
MEDIA 10-4738 disc 3
Lisa Steele collection, 1972-1984 2013
This compilation contains 15 titles -- some with multiple parts -- made between 1972 and 1984. It includes the acknowledged "classics" of video art Birthday Suit, with scars and defects, a work that has been the object of dozens of homage works created by younger artists and one that signaled Steele's early consideration of feminism as a founding principle for her work as an artist, as well as The Ballad of Dan Peoples and A Very Personal Story, both early innovative works of narrative recovery. The compilation also includes a number of lesser known -- and even unknown -- works from Steele's early oeuvre, including a single channel version of the rarely seen 3-channel work Internal Pornography and the only film work in this compilation, This is Not A Home Movie from 1984, a Super-8 work commissioned to investigate women's erotic film language. Birthday suit. "On the occasion of my 27th birthday I decided to do a tape that chronicled my passage through time. I have always been clumsy, tripping, dropping, falling with alarming regularity. This tape accepts the extent of the consequences." L.S. A very personal story. "When I was 15, I came home from school to find my mother dead. This tape describes the day of her death. Until I did this tape, I had never completely recounted this experience. The tape is an attempt to remember as accurately as possible one day in my life - to let memory become the present tense." L.S. Damages. "From 1974 to 1986 I worked at a shelter for women and children. Most of the women who came to this shelter had been victims of violence. In doing these two tapes, I began to draw directly on this experience, synthesizing many women's lives into single, composite characters. I created the character in these tapes, the eccentric Mrs. Pauly, in order to find out why some women 'go off the deep end' when confronted with social control." -L.S. The first tape in the Mrs. Pauly diptych shows her evolution from isolated weirdo to first-class witness. As her psychically damaged personality emerges, we see it as a product of skewed religious rituals and an aggrieved sense of being wronged. Makin' strange. This is the second tape in the Mrs. Pauly diptych and it follows her as she runs afoul of the welfare system and the Children's Aid Society, all the while trying to develop her career as a country-western singer with her loser boyfriend Wayne. Talking tongues. An intimate 11 minute monologue in which Steele portrays Beatrice Small, a victim of wife battering. As she unravels her story, Beatrice describes her efforts to maintain a marriage of 16 years to Al Small. Turning to family, friends, church and finally a lawyer, Beatrice tries repeatedly to get others to understand the threat that lies behind Al's words, 'Beatrice, I love you.'. This is not a home movie. This title guides the audience to expect the unexpected. This is not a Home Movie plays with the tropes of amateur movie making, which features locales of the domicile. But This is not a Home Movie is a film of the domestic in all of its true colours. 1 videodisc (102 min.)
MEDIA 10-4738 disc 2
Lisa Steele collection, 1972-1984 2013
This compilation contains 15 titles -- some with multiple parts -- made between 1972 and 1984. It includes the acknowledged "classics" of video art Birthday Suit, with scars and defects, a work that has been the object of dozens of homage works created by younger artists and one that signaled Steele's early consideration of feminism as a founding principle for her work as an artist, as well as The Ballad of Dan Peoples and A Very Personal Story, both early innovative works of narrative recovery. The compilation also includes a number of lesser known -- and even unknown -- works from Steele's early oeuvre, including a single channel version of the rarely seen 3-channel work Internal Pornography and the only film work in this compilation, This is Not A Home Movie from 1984, a Super-8 work commissioned to investigate women's erotic film language. Juggling. Steele demonstrates her lack of skill in a performance for the camera. Know your turtle. A performance by Steele and her pet turtles features live audio mixing and a female reader. The minimal action takes place in 3 rooms of an apartment. The reader shares the intricacies of raising turtles in a domestic environment while Steele enacts an integration of a new animal into its new home through a ritual cleansing. This weave of chance and action is both playful and banal. Outlaws. This tape is a formal investigation of androgyny. Or, more accurately, how androgyny might be present within a group of three men and two women. This notion of an equality of action, intention and emotion is constructed by juxtaposing a poetic text that is identical except for the pronouns over the visual image of each of these five people. They appear as "real people", as facts. The tape ends with the statement: "You'll know me by my face.", a statement which is only true in a purely physical sense; the viewer in fact knows nothing of any of the people who have been shown. Facing south. "This tape begins with a voice-over assertion (my own) that ... 'sometimes I look at things too closely, seeing them in too much detail.' The tape which follows is a visual diary of an early spring growing season. Seen in extreme close-up, however, the environment is decidedly unnatural. the garden is on a window sill; the animals are pets; female sexual parts are seen through a magnifying glass. Here, I wanted not so much to 'record' daily life as to reflect on the unreliability of paralleling female experience and natural cycles. The two are not the same thing. I wanted to show a female experience which was analytic in its relation to nature." L.S. Internal pornography. A woman's body is mapped and a reading from a dream journal. The middle channel is plants and vines being carressed by a woman's hands . 1 videodisc (102 min.)
MEDIA 10-4738 disc 1
Lisa Steele collection, 1972-1984 2013
Booklet contains current essays by young writers (Joshua Thorson and Alissa Firth-Eagland) appraising the performance and narrative work of Steele in the early part of her career. By way of introduction, the booklet includes a 2013 recorded conversation between the legendary Martha Rosler and Lisa Steele, offering a glimpse at why the body was central in so much video art from this era. [33] p
MEDIA 10-4738 booklet
Maya Deren experimental films p2007
Collection of short films by surrealist Russian-American filmmaker Maya Deren, studying identity, movement, and freedom . 1 videodisc (76 min.)
MEDIA 10-4399
Notes on Marie Menken 2007
Martina Kudlįcek, Marie Menken, Kenneth Anger, Stan Brakhage, Peter Kubelka, Jonas Mekas, Mina Film, and First Run/Icarus Films
"Tells the story of Marie Menken (1909-1970), a Lithuanian immigrant who became one of New York's outstanding underground experimental filmmakers of the 1940s-1960s, inspiring artists such as Stan Brakhage, Andy Warhol, Jonas Mekas, Kenneth Anger and Gerard Malanga." -- Container . 1 videodisc (97 min.) :
MEDIA 10-2948
Oskar Fischinger ten films c2006
A collection of abstract animated films by Oskar Fischinger, master of "absolute" or non-objective filmmaking. Using geometric patterns and shapes choreographed tightly to classical music and jazz, he created what are called visual music films. Also includes Fischinger home movies, photographs, drawings, notes and more. 1 videodisc (ca. 50 min.)
MEDIA 10-5366
Surveying the first decade video art and alternative media in the U.S c2008
"A comprehensive two-volume, eight program package on the history of experimental and independent video in the U.S. between 1968 and 1980"--Program notes. 8 videodiscs (ca. 985 min.)
MEDIA. MEDIA. MEDIA. MEDIA. MEDIA. MEDIA. MEDIA. MEDIA. MEDIA 10-4067 CD-ROM 10-4067 program 1 10-4067 program 2 10-4067 program 3 10-4067 program 4 10-4067 program 5 10-4067 program 6 10-4067 program 7 10-4067 program 8
Unseen cinema early American avant-garde film, 1894-1941 2005
This seven-disc collection contains 155 avant-garde films, revealing hitherto unknown accomplishments of American filmmakers working in the United States and abroad from the invention of cinema until World War II. Offers an innovative and often controversial view of experimental film as a product of avant-garde artists, of professional directors and of amateur moviemakers working collectively and as individuals at all levels of film production. 7 videodiscs (1,127 min.)
MEDIA. MEDIA. MEDIA. MEDIA. MEDIA. MEDIA. MEDIA. MEDIA 10-4365 disc 1 10-4365 disc 2 10-4365 disc 3 10-4365 disc 4 10-4365 disc 5 10-4365 disc 6 10-4365 disc 7 10-4365 guide
Aleph 1982
Robert Edison Fulton
A superimposition of images flow in a conflict of integrating rhythm. 1 videocassette (18 min.)
MEDIA 2-679
Andy Warhol presents Flesh 1988
Joe Dallesandro, Geraldine Smith, Patti D'arbinville, Paul Morrissey, and Andy Warhol
Joe takes to the streets and meets an artist with elaborate and hilarious theories of body worship, a couple of transvestites, a dumb ex-girlfriend, and a friend whose armpits have been burned by a flame thrower. 1 videocassette (90 min.)
Bedevil 1993, s2005?
Tracey Moffatt, Anthony Buckley, Carol Hughes, Southern Star Entertainment (Firm), and Women Make Movies (Firm)
Mister Chuck: A young boy is fascinated and terrified by a swamp that is haunted by the ghost of an American GI. Choo Choo Choo Choo: A family living by railroad tracks haunted by strange happenings. Lovin the spin I'm in: Follows a woman who resists eviction attempts by her landlord so she can keep vigil for her dead son. 1 videodisc (90 min.)
MEDIA 10-1168
Bildnis einer Trinkerin 1979
Ulrike Ottinger and Tabea Blumenschein
A woman takes a drunken sightseeing tour of Berlin in this exploration of the complexity of female identity. 1 videocassette (108 min.)
MEDIA 2-6055
Bill Viola selected works 1986
Bill Viola
Four video art works, "each structured around a solitary movement, moment or phenomenon..."--External container. 1 videocassette (55 min.)
MEDIA 2-771
The Brig 1986?, 1964
Jonas Mekas, Adolfas Mekas, Judith Malina, Julian Beck, and Kenneth H Brown
Mekas filmed this play about a Marine Corps prison on the stage of the Living Theatre after it had been closed down by the police for tax evasion. He and the cast slipped into the theater through a coal chute and made the film in five hours. The furious rhythms of the play convey the inhumanity of military discipline with the raw force of a battle document. 1 videocassette (55 min.)
MEDIA 2-757
Chelovek s kino-apparatom 198-
Dziga Vertov
Multi-leveled study of daily life in the Soviet Union. Enables the viewer to see the making of a film and at the same time the film that is being made. Noteworthy are the presence in the film of camera and cameraman, use of freeze frames, superimposures, trick shots. 1 videocassette (89 min.)
MEDIA 2-477
Chinamoon 1975
Melinda McDowell, Michelle Payton, and Barbara Linkevitch
"...takes place in a brothel....Experimental and impressionistic in technique, the movie centers around the formally ritualized world of a room inhabited by four prostitutes."--Canyon Cinema catalog. 1 videocassette (15 min.)
The Connection 1961
Shirley Clarke, Jack Gelber, Lewis Allen, Warren Finnerty, and Carl Lee
Film version of the play The Connection, by Jack Gelber. The play is about drug addicts waiting for a heroin dealer to bring the drug necessary for them to make their "connection." Based on the Living Theatre production, as directed by Judith Malina and designed by Julian Beck, the film was shot in a drug addict's apartment in New York City. 1 videocassette (105 min.)
MEDIA 2-1485
The Cosmic eye a film 1986, 1993
Faith Hubley, John Hubley, Dizzy Gillespie , Maureen Stapleton, Linda Atkinson, Sam Hubley, Benny Carter, Conrad Cummings, William Russo, and Elizabeth Swados
Three musicians from outer space bring a message of peace to our planet. In the process they observe, from a variety of cultural perspectives, ideas about the origins and destiny of planet Earth. 1 videocassette (71 min.)
MEDIA 2-5045
Creative video technique 1988
David Lebrun and Andrew Romanoff
Provides step-by-step techniques and audiovisual examples. Serves as a source of ideas and practical guidance for writers, directors of photography and video engineers. Explores exposure as a creative process. 1 videocassette (40 min.)
MEDIA 2-2831
Daughter rite 1980, 2007?
Michelle Citron, Jerri Hancock, and Women Make Movies (Firm)
An experimental film that explores the relationships between mothers and their adult daughters. 1 videodisc (53 min.)
MEDIA 10-1146
David Holzman's diary 1969
Jim McBride, L. M. Kit Carson, Penny Wohl, and Lorenzo Manz
On the theory that "cinema is truth 24 times a second" David Holzman sets out on a self-identity search, filming his life in diary form. The project gets out of control and overwhelms him; he alienates his friends, loses the woman he loves, and frightens himself. 1 videocassette (73 min.)
Der Lauf der Dinge/The Way Things Go 1987, 1997
Alfred Richterich, Peter Fischili, and David Wiess
A chain reaction of objects that applies the principles of cause and effect, gravity, chemistry, water, gas propulsion and vector propagation to produce the chain reaction in a kinetic art installation by Swiss artists Peter Fischli and David Weiss. 1 videocassette (30 min.)
DANA 1753
Dot 2 dot/tête à tête 1984
Albert Gabriel Nigrin
An experimental film which plays upon the contradictory desire for order and disorder, instituting a symbiosis between images of multiplicity, continuity, advancement, and those of deliniation, constriction, and finality. 1 videocassette (18 min.)
Eat 1963
Andy Warhol, Robert Indiana, Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.), and Film Library
A film or artist Robert Indiana eating mushrooms and playing with a cat. 1 videocassette (ca. 25 min.)
Electronic arts intermix 1983
A compilation of independant innovative and experimental film and video segments. 1 videocassette (50 min.)
MEDIA 2-468
Emak-Bakia cinepoèm 1982?
Man Ray and Festival Films
Man Ray's early experiment in film which includes elements of cubism, Dadism and surrealism. 1 videocassette (14 min.)
The Eternal frame 1976
T. R Uthco
To isolate concepts of image, personality, and event, the artists re-enact and videotape the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the reaction of those watching the re-enactment. 1 videocassette (24 min.)
MEDIA 2-519
The Experimental avant garde series 198-?
Dmitri Kirsonov, Jean Renoir, and Abel Gance
Menilmontant is the story of the trials and tribulations of two orphaned girls living on the streets of Paris. The Charleston concerns a black astronaut who lands in Paris. There he and a young woman begin to dance a mean and lascivious Charleston. Folie du Dr. Tube is about a mad scientist who sits around in his lab experimenting and snorting some undefined white powder. The film's great use of mirrors and optical effects create weird and demented visions. 1 videocassette (120 min.)
MEDIA 2-1472
Experimental films by Albert Gabriel Nigrin 1988
Albert Gabriel Nigrin
1 videocassette (34 min.)
MEDIA 2-624
Experimental films of Maya Deren 1986
Maya Deren and Maya Deren
1 videocassette (VHS) (76 min.)
MEDIA 2-244
Eye of the beholder 197-?
Richard Conte and Martha Vickers
Demonstrates, through a dramatic incident, the concept that no two people see the same situation in the same way. Designed to develop greater awareness of the pitfalls of subjective analysis, the need for objectivity, and the need for careful evaluation of all the facts. The story of an artist, who becomes involved in the killing of a beautiful girl, as he appears variously to a number of witnesses. 1 videocassette (25 min.)
MEDIA 2-2597
The Festino of Adriano Banchieri 198-
Adriano Banchieri, Theodore Herstand, Eugene Enrico, and David Smeal
The Festino of Adriano Banchieri presents a fully staged recreation of the madrigal comedy Festino, performed according to the composer's directions. Played with energy and flair by Ted Herstand, the composer Adriano Banchieri expounds his progressive philosophies of literature and art, and explains how his music shows the influence of commedia del arte and the new experiments in opera. 1 videocassette (VHS) (29 min.)
The films of Charles & Ray Eames 1968, ??2000
Charles Eames, Ray Eames, Eames Demetrios, and Gregory Peck
Powers of ten illustrates a picnic in Chicago and then begins moving ten times farther out every ten seconds, until our own galaxy is visible only as a speck of light. Then, we move inward into the hand of a sleeping picnicker with ten times more magnification every ten seconds. A rough sketch is an earlier version of the same concept illustrated in Powers of ten. 901 : after 45 years of working examines the Office of Charles and Ray Eames as it is being dismantled and cleaned out. 1 videodisc (46 min.)
The films of Kenneth Anger: Volume two 1964, c2007
Kenneth Anger, Puck Film Productions, and Fantoma Films (Firm)
Scorpio rising (1964, col., 28 min.) ; Kustom kar kommandos (1965, col., 3 min.) ; Invocation of my demon brother (1969, col., 11 min.) ; Rabbit's moon (1979, tinted b&w, 7 min.) / Puck Film Productions -- Lucifer rising (1981, col., 28 min.) / music by Bobby BeauSoleil -- The man we want to hang (2002, col., 14 min.) / music, Anatol Liadov. 1 videodisc (91 min.)
MEDIA 10-1454
The films of Wheeler Dixon 1974
Wheeler W Dixon
Five short, experimental films dealing with favorite themes of the director, including destruction and the inevitable loss of adolescent innocence, enthusiam, and idealism children experience as they pass into adulthood. 1 videocassette (30 min.)
Four songs 1977
Bill Viola, Electronic Arts Intermix (Organization), and WNET (Television station : New York, N.Y.)
In referring to his tapes as "songs", Viola emphasizes the relationship of musical structures to his work. 1 videocassette (33 min.)
MEDIA 2-7743
Frank film 1973
Frank Mouris and Caroline Mouris
Combines animated sequences with two narrative sound tracks to create a series of complex, moving patterns which satirize contemporary middle-class life. 1 videocassette (9 min.)
French avant-garde shorts 1984
Marcel Duchamp, Fernand Léger, Dmitri Kirsanov, Robert Florey, Germaine Dulac, Jean Mitry, and Chris Marker
A compilation of seven French avant-garde shorts directed by Marcel Duchamp, Fernand L eger, Dmitri Kirsanov, Robert Florey, Germaine Dulac, Jean Mitry, Chris Marker. 1 videocassette (120 min.)
MEDIA 2-534
Fuses videorecording 198-?
Carolee Schneemann and James Tenney
1 videocassette (23 min.)
MEDIA 2-1263
Le Gai savoir The Joy of learning 1969
Jean Luc Godard, Jean-Pierre Léaud, and Juliet Berto
Emile and Patricia stumble across each other in an abandoned TV studio. They meet for 7 nights to plan for a new cinema. 1 videocassette (96 min.)
MEDIA 2-5105
Germaine Dulac's Smiling Madame Beudet and The seashell and the clergyman 1922, 1928/c1996
Germaine Dulac, Denys Amiel, Germaine Dermoz, Alexandre Arquilličre, Jean d' Yd, Madeleine Guitty, and Nostalgia Family Video (Firm)
Smiling Madame Beudet: Portrays the life and dreams of a housewife in a small town who is married to a repulsive businessman. Seashell and the clergyman: A clergyman, committed by his calling to celibacy but in love with a romantic beauty, is afflicted by sexual torments he is unable to resolve. 1 videocassette (ca. 60 min.)
MEDIA 2-6635
Gradiva [a film trilogy, 1982-1984 1982-1984
Albert Gabriel Nigrin
Three experimental films by Albert Gabriel Nigrin. 1 videocassette (51 min.)
MEDIA 2-80
Hatsu yume First dream 1981
Bill Viola and Kira Perov
The Japanese consider the first dream (hatsu yume) of the new year to be especially portentous. Bill Viola is a video artist concerned with the mystical aspects of physics and optical transformations. Here he plays with perspective and time, making connections between the flow of light and the flow of water. 1 videocassette (56 min.)
MEDIA 2-851
Home of the brave 1986
Laurie Anderson and Paula Mazur
Rock singer and performance artist Laurie Anderson plays and sings accompanied by a host of her own lighting and visual effects. 1 videocassette (ca. 90 min.)
MEDIA 2-1691
I do not know what it is I am like 1986
A series of vivid dramatic investigations that make explicit the process of cognition and the artist's ability to perceive beyond the logic of the obvious. Bill Viola expressses the belief that humans and beasts share an essential consciousness at the deepest level. 1 videocassette (89 min.)
MEDIA 2-756
Invocation Maya deren 1987
JoAnn Kaplan and Oliver Fiz
Discusses the life and work of avante-garde film-maker Maya Deren. 1 videocassette (53 min.)
MEDIA 2-1285
La Jetée 198-?
Ambrose Bierce, Chris Marker, Hélčne Chatelaine, Davos Hanich, Marcel Lehac, Paul de Roubaix, Robert Enrico, Roger Jacquet, Ann Cornaly, and Anker Larsen
La Jetée is a science fiction love story that occurs after World War III. Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge is a dramatization about the last minutes in the life of a condemned man of the American Civil War who stands on a bridge awaiting his hanging. 1 videocassette (60 min.)
MEDIA 2-1387
Joan does Dynasty 1986
Joan Braderman
Joan Braderman takes Dynasty apart and examines the pieces in this one woman expose. 1 videocassette (31 min.)
MEDIA 2-518
Joseph Beuys' public dialogue 1974
Joseph Beuys and Willoughby Sharp
"Video of the famed German artists's first public appearance in the U.S. during which he outlines his political and artistic philosophies"--Cassette label. 1 videocassette (120 min.)
DANA 918
Kino-Pravda Enthusiasm 1931
Dziga Vertov
Kino-Pravda: Consists of a record of Soviet life edited into a unique genre of mixed documentary, animation and reviews and provides a record of the Revolution's social achievements. Enthusiasm: Celebrates the enthusiasm with which the peasants and miners of the Don River basin in Russia fulfilled their first five-year plan quotas following the October Revolution. 1 videocassette (81 min.)
Koyaanisqatsi life out of balance 1983
Godfrey Reggio and Francis Ford Coppola
Koyaanisqatsi is a Hopi Indian word meaning variously crazy life, life in turmoil, life disintegrating, life out of balance (the subtitle for this film), and a state of life that calls for another way of life. Presented by Francis Ford Coppola, this creation of director Godfrey Reggio, cinematographer Ron Fricke, and composer Philip Glass seems to flash by your eyes but lingers in your mind. 1 videocassette (87 min.)
MEDIA. MUSIC 2-1356 166
L'Age d'or 1930
Luis Buńuel, Salvador Dalí, Charles Noailles, Gaston Modot, and Lya Lys
Surrealistic film about two lovers who mock convention and the society intent on preventing them from satisfying their desire. 1 videocassette (62 min.)
MEDIA DANA 2-3051 339
Lapis 1966
James Whitney
An abstract art film composed of images produced by an analog computer. 1 videocassette (10 min.)
LEtoile de mer 198-?
Robert Desnos, Man Ray, Kiki, André de La Rivière, and Festival Films
Portrays one man's difficulty in becoming committed to a woman. A starfish symbolizes his yearning for sincere beauty without hidden, destructive qualities. 1 videocassette (29 min.)
Magdalena Viraga story of a Red Sea crossing 1988
Nina Menkes, Tinka Menkes, Claire Aguilar, and Facets Video (Firm)
Presents imaginative and experimental feature which explores the inner life and psychological journey from passivity to awareness of a prostitute who is arrested as a murder suspect. 1 videocassette (90 min.)
MEDIA 2-7626
Magick lantern cycle 1986
Kenneth Anger
A collection of short experimental films created by Kenneth Anger. 3 videorecordings (148 min.)
DOUGLASS. DOUGLASS. DOUGLASS. MEDIA. MEDIA. MEDIA 87 cassette 1 87 cassette 2 87 cassette 3 2-292 2-293 2-294
Manhatta 198-?
Paul Strand and Charles Sheeler
An impressionistic short film about New York seen in terms of its geometric architecture and the movement patterns of ships, people, and so forth. Based on a poem by Walt Whitman. 1 videocassette (8 min.)
Mass for the Dakota Sioux 1964
Bruce Baillie
A film mass which embodies a contradiction between the form of the mass, traditionally a celebration of life, and the theme of death. 1 videocassette (ca. 20 min.)
Meredith Monk's Ellis Island 1983
Meredith Monk and Bob Rosen
Ellis Island is a work of stunning visual and emotional impact, a haunting recreation of America's role in the great immigration movements. 1 videocassette (28 min.)
MEDIA 2-287
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge videorecording 198-?
Ambrose Bierce, Robert Enrico, Roger Jacquet, Ann Cornaly, Anker Larsen, Marcel Lehac, and Paul de Roubaix
A classic short film dealing with a man's final moments on the gallows before being hanged for a Civil War sabotage. 1 videocassette (29 min.)
MEDIA 2-1301
Performance the living art 1988
Rich Dwyer and Ralph Vituccio
An introduction to and overall view of performance art. Includes some history of performance set in futurism. Focuses on major contemporary contributors to performance art. Discusses issues--what is performance art, what has it been and what is the perspective of each individual artist. 1 videocassette (58 min.)
MEDIA 2-2249
Persistence of vision Volume 1, Monitoring the media 1989
Bruce Ferguson, Ilene Segalove, Richard Serra, Carlota Fay Schoolman, Peter Campus, Edward Mowbray, Ilene Segalove, Ilene Segalove, Nancy Burson, and T. R Uthco
The artists on this film are not part of the insular world of the television industry. Instead, they use video to expose television as an exclusive tool of commerce and state power. Some of these works are strictly analytical; others are variations or parodies of TV genres. But, by content shifts or aesthetic ruptures, all of them undermine the narrow use of television as a measure of marketing. 1 videocassette (58 min.)
MEDIA 2-1599
Persistence of vision Volume 2, Outside the lines 1989
Bruce Ferguson, Ed Emshwiller, Bill Viola, Dan Reeves, Su-chen Hung, Lyn Blumenthal, Carol Ann Klondarides, Ed Paschke, Marcel Odenbach, Alicia Nogueira, Michel Jaffrennou, John Sanborn, and David Van Tieghem
This is the second volume in the three-volume series, Persistence of vision. It is a collection of video art pieces that explore the intrinsic aesthetic of the video medium. 1 videocassette (59 min.)
MEDIA 2-1600
Persistence of vision Volume3, New narrative 1989
Bruce Ferguson, Graham Young, Dalibor Martinis, Sanja Ivekovic, Klaus Vom Bruch, Heike Melba Fendel, Branda Miller, William Wegman, François Girard, Colin Campbell, and Cecilia Condit
This is the third volume in the three-volume series, Persistence of vision. This volume is a collection of video art pieces in which some new storytellers continue to expand the vocabulary of narrative through the innovative use of audio-visual forms. 1 videocassette (58 min.)
MEDIA 2-1601
Portrait of Jason 198-
Shirley Clarke
An autobiography of Jason which tells how he survived a life of street hustling. 1 videocassette
MEDIA 2-800
A propos de Nice 198-?
Jean Vigo, Boris Kaufman, and Festival Films
Vigo examines the French resort city of Nice while mixing experimental technique with social and poetic vision. 1 videocassette (22 min.)
Pull my daisy 1959, 1997?
Robert Frank, Alfred Leslie, Jack Kerouac, and Frank O'Hara
1 videocassette (92 min.)
MEDIA 2-3829
Rummage 1989
Albert Gabriel Nigrin
An experimental documentary film featuring the infamous Visiting Nurse Association of Somerset Hills Rummage Sale held in Far Hills, N.J. every first weekend in May and October. 1 videocassette (25 min.)
MEDIA 2-750
Le Sang d'un poète 198-?
Jean Cocteau, Lee Miller, Pauline Carton, and Odette Talazac
A surrealistic allegorical myth, full of visual symbolism and abstract effects, about an artist who sacrifices himself to his art. 1 videocassette (55 min.)
DANA 336
Le Sang d'un poete The Blood of a poet 1983
Jean Cocteau
A surrealistic allegorical myth about the life of a poet who sacrifices himself to his art. 1 videocassette (53 min.)
MEDIA 2-155
Selected works, 1970-1978 1986?, 1981
William Wegman
A collection of short, funny vignettes that demonstrate why Wegman has been called the "Buster Keaton of video." Often utilizing the talents of his assistant (and sometimes pet), the dog Man Ray, Wegman reveals a cunning and unusual sense of humor. 1 videocassette (20 min.)
MEDIA 2-269
Semiotics of the kitchen 1975
Martha Rosler and Electronic Arts Intermix (Organization)
A women names kitchen items and demonstrates their use. 1 videocassette (6 min.)
MEDIA 2-7744
Sexy sad I 1987
Pipilotti Rist and Electronic Arts Intermix (Organization)
In this detourned music video, Rist trains her camera on the nude male body, challenging the tropes of the form and of pop culture in general. Her anonymous male subject is more puppet than star player as he flails helplessly, chasing a receding camera, accompanied by a cut-and-paste remix of The Beatles' Sexy Sadie. 1 videocassette (ca. 5 min.)
MEDIA 2-7740
Sigmund Freud's Dora a case of mistaken identity 1979
Anthony McCall, Suzanne Fletcher, Joel Kovel, Silvia Kolbowski, and Anne Hegira
A feminist look at Freud's famous case. Dramatizations of conversations between Freud and Dora are contrasted with modern commercials and shots from X-rated films. 1 videorecording (45 min.)
Spheres 1969
National Film Board of Canada and International Film Bureau
An animated film in which a ball dances to the music of Bach. 1 videocassette (8 min.)
Stone circles 1983
Barbara Hammer
An animated and live action experimental film shot on location at Stonehenge in England. 1 videocassette (12 min.)
Strange music of Nam June Paik 1975
Nam June Paik, Russell Connor, Fred Barzyk , and John Musilli
Presents Nam June Paik's performance and video art with Charlotte Moorman, John Cage's music and performance. 1 videocassette (27 min.)
DANA. DANA 933 933
Terrain vague an experimental film 1988
Albert Gabriel Nigrin
1 videocassette (22 min.)
MEDIA 2-625
Three songs about Lenin leader of the oppressed peoples of the world 1934, c1991
Dziga Vertov, Mehzrabpomfilm (Firm), TSentral naia studiia dokumental nykh fil mov (Moscow, Russia), and Kino International Corporation
Three songs about Lenin shows Lenin as revealed through the eyes of the Russian people, represented by three songs. 1 videocassette (62 min.)
MEDIA 2-6621
Thriller c1979
Sally Potter, Colette, Rose English, Tony Gacon, Vincent Meehan, and Serious Business Company
An experimental film which asserts that the fare of women in 19th century art forms, typified by the character Mimi in the opera La Boheme, was a requirement of dramatic conventions suited to a patriarchal social order. MEDIA D-313
Towers open fire and other films 1989
William S Burroughs, Ian Sommerville, Brion Gysin, and Antony Balch
William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin met Ian Sommerville and Antony Balch during their Beat Hotel days in Paris in 1958-59 when Burroughs' Naked lunch was published. These films convey the consciousness of that period in the visual language of four of the artists that defined it. Balch attempts to reinterpret Burrough's writing as cinema. 1 videocassette (35 min.)
MEDIA 2-2046
Two lies 1989
Pam Tom, Dian Kobayashi, Sala Iwamatsu, and Marie Nakano
Story of two young Chinese-American girls and their relationship with their mother who is having plastic surgery performed to alter her oriental features. 1 videocassette (25 min.)
DANA 828
Un chien Andalou 1929, 2000
Luis Buńuel, Salvador Dalí, Simone Mareuil, Pierre Batcheff, and Pierre Unik
Un chien Andalou. Version intégrale sonorisée. A surrealistic movie written over the course of a three day exchange of fantasies and dreams between Luis Buńuel and Salvador Dalí. Land without bread, original title: Las Hurdes : tierra sin pan, was filmed in Las Hurdes region of Spain, April-May, 1932. Buńuel's only documentary film, portrays the everyday lives of indigent peasants in one of Spain's most desolate regions. 1 videocassette (43 min.)
MEDIA 2-3040
Waveforms video/Japan 1984 - 1986, 1990?
Ko Nakajima, Shinsuke Ina, Tetsuo Sekimoto , Yoshiomi Yamaguchi, Byron Black, Marilyn Oliveros, Akira Matsumoto, and Yoh Hayafuji
A collection of the work of video artists in Japan that at once represents a diversity of expression, and indicates three themes which underscore Japanese sensibility: nature, the persistence of cultural traditions and the embracing of new technology. 1 videocassette (60 min.)
MEDIA 2-1627
Window water baby moving 1959
Stan Brakhage and Grove Press
Stan Brakhage's personal documentary of the natural childbirthing of his first daughter. 1 videocassette (12 min.)