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Human Diversity

This guide focuses on resources you can use to find information on diversity and vulnerable populations in the context of social work practice.

Age Discrimination

Ageing Without Ageism?: Conceptual Puzzles and Policy Proposals
Greg Bognar and Axel Gosseries. New York, Oxford University Press, 2023. Rutgers-restricted Access
Ageism: Stereotyping and Prejudice Against Older Persons
Todd D. Nelson. 2nd edition. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 2017.
Current research and theory from a range of disciplines on ageism, discussing issues from elder abuse to age discrimination against workers. Rutgers-restricted Access
"Ageism: A Threat to 'Aging Well' in the 21st Century"
Jocelyn Angus and Patricia Reeve. Journal of Applied Gerontology 25(2), 2006, pp. 137-152.Rutgers-restricted Access
Worlds of Difference: Inequality in the Aging Experience
Eleanor Palo Stoller and Rose Campbell Gibson. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Pine Forge Press, 2000.
The intersection of gender, race, and class and aging. Rutgers-restricted Access
Perceived Age Discrimination and Mental Health"
Anastasia S. Vogt Yuan. Social Forces86(1), September 2007, pp.291-311.Rutgers-restricted Access
"Age Discrimination Legislation in the United States"
David Neumark. Contemporary Economic Policy 21(3), July 2003, pp.297-317 Rutgers-restricted Access
"Self-Reported Ageism in Social Work Practitioners and Students"
Priscilla D. Allen, Katie E. Cherry, and Erdman Palmore. Journal of Gerontological Social Work 52(2), 2009, pp.124-134. Rutgers-restricted Access
Ageism in the Health Care System: Short Shrifting Seniors?
Hearing before the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate, 108th Congress, first session, Washington, D.C., May 19, 2003. Washington, DC, 2003.
Innovation in the Aging Network: The Future of Social Services for Older Americans
Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 2006.
Hearing before the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate, 109th Congress, 2d session, Washington, D.C., May 3, 2006.
"The Poverty of Impoverishment Theory: The Economic Well-Being of the Elderly, 1890-1950,"
Brian Gratton. Journal of Economic History 56(1), 1996, 39-61. Rutgers-restricted Access
The New Political Environment in Aging: Challenges to Policy and Practice,"
Robert B. Hudson. Families in Society 86(3). July/September 2005, 321-7.Rutgers-restricted Access

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