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Human Diversity

This guide focuses on resources you can use to find information on diversity and vulnerable populations in the context of social work practice.

Social Work Speaks

Social Work Speaks: National Association of Social Workers Policy Statements: 2021-2023.
12th edition. Washington, D.C., 2021.
Statements designed to guide policy advocacy and legal action. Each statement includes background information, a statement of issues, the policy statement, its legislative history, and a list of references.
NASW Advocacy.
National Association of Social Workers key current legislative issues and positions.

What Do People Think?

A compilation of over 500,000 questions from public opinion polls from 1935 to the present. Limited to polls of the U.S. population at the national level.Restricted Access

New Jersey Poll

Eagleton Poll Archive
Survey results and questionnaires from the quarterly Rutgers Eagleton Institute's survey of New Jersey residents on questions of political and social interest from 1971 to the present.

The website for U.S. federal legislative information. Track bills through Congressional committees; see committee reports; texts of bills as enacted.
CQ Almanac
Narrative accounts of every major piece of legislation that the U.S. Congress considered during a congressional session between 1945 and 2020. Policy Tracker feature allows you to explore a specific policy topic (e.g., "Abortion and Family Planning;" "Bilingual Education and ESL;" "Homelessness;" etc.,) over time. Rutgers-restricted Access

Public Policy

The Dark Side of Reform: Exploring the Impact of Public Policy on Racial Equity
Tyrell Connor, editor. Lanham, MD, Lexington Books, 2022. Rutgers-restricted Access
Mexicans and the Future of the American Dream: Trump, Immigration and Border Relations
Maria Regina Martínez Casas, Magdalena Barros, and Georgina Rojas García. New York, Routledge, 2023. Rutgers-restricted Access
Immigration Debate: Politics, Ideologies of Anti-Immigration Forces. June 17, 2005.
Tom Barry. An Interhemispheric Resource Center (IRC) Americas Program Special Report.
Race, Poverty and Public Policy
Mary Jo Bane. March 2005
Quadagno, Jill. "Race and American Social Policy,"
National Forum 76(3), Summer 1996, 35-38. Restricted Access
Padilla, Yolanda C. "Immigrant Policy: Issues for Social Work Practice,"
Social Work 42(6), November 1997, 595-606. Rutgers-restricted Access

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