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Business Communication (22:373:551)

Rutgers Online Databases

Questions to consider:

  1. How is it managing critical issues and trends?
  2. Is the company's leadership strong and smart? Is its strategy sound?
  3. How does the company communicate with stakeholders? (customers, investors, employees, the media)
  4. How does its future look? Are you optimistic about its future? Why?


  • Find your company's profile on MarketLine MarketLine and note the SWOT analysis and financial deals. (Rutgers-restricted access)
  • Use  Business Source Premier to find articles on your company from magazines and journals. Consider the following search terms and phrases: corporate governance, employees, outlook, strategic, strategy, social responsibility, trends. (Rutgers-restricted access)
  • Find Hoover's Company Profiles on your firm within Westlaw. (Rutgers-restricted access)  How to Find Hoover's (PowerPoint)
  • Investext Snapshot is a collection of company (and some industry) reports from analysts at over 400 investment banks, brokerage firms, and independent research organizations. (Rutgers-restricted access)
  • See the entry for your company in Corporate Affiliations, a veritable "who owns whom" multi-volume directory. (DANA BUSINESS REF). You may also want to consult the multi-volume International Directory of Company Histories (DANA REF HD 2721 .I58) (partially available online at Company Histories) for some historical background on your company. Each profile includes references to other sources of information.
  • Mergent Online offers up to 25 years of corporate financials for over 20,000 public companies from around the world. This database also provides access to more than ten years worth of EDGAR filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. (Rutgers-restricted access)
  • PrivCo is an excellent resource for business and financial research on non-publicly traded companies, including family-owned, private equity-owned, venture-backed, and international unlisted companies. (Rutgers-restricted access)
  • Consult the guides to Company Research as well as Corporate Social Responsibility for other print and Web resources.

Business Librarian (Newark)