EndNote basic is a cloud-based and limited version of EndNote. It was previously called (often still being referred to as) EndNote online or EndNote web.
EndNote basic is free to use and it enables you to collect, manage and share reference directly from EndNote basic or from a desktop library via syncing. It also allows you to cite references while writing a paper and identify an appropriate journal to submit your manuscript for publishing.
To use EndNote basic, you need first to create a free online account by either going to http://endnote.com and clicking Login on the top right of the screen, or going to https://myendnoteweb.com directly to log in.
EndNote basic/online allows you to:
EndNote basic is an abridged verion of EndNote Desktop, except it is free and cloud based. It does not have all the features that the desktop version has.
CWYW (Cite While You Write) is EndNote's signature feature that makes citing easy. It is a Word plug-in.
You can find comprehensive instructions for Cite While You Write here.
EndNote Click is a browser plug-in that saves time getting full-text PDFs.