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Government Accounting: Accounting Databases

Resources to help find information related to governmental accounting and financial management.

Accounting Databases

The following databases have an accounting focus*:

Accounting Research Manager from CCH provides the complete authoritative texts of major US and International accounting standards, along with CCH's interpretative guides. It is continually updated with the most recent standards. It also includes historic standards that were previously published in print. The best one-stop shop for accounting material. 

Standards are provided by the following groups:

  • FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board)
  • AICPA (American Institute of Chartered Public Accountants)
  • IASB (International Accounting Standards Board)
  • PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board)
  • SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission)

VitalLaw (formerly Cheetah, formerly Intelliconnect). Official government publications on the US and State tax system, along with guides and news from CCH. Contains official government publications, interpretive and analytical material, practice tools, and current tax news. 

Covers multiple areas of taxation, including:

  • Federal Tax
  • International Tax
  • State & Local Tax
  • Estates, Gifts & Trusts Tax

Some of the official U.S. government publications in VitalLaw include:

  • Internal Revenue Code
  • Internal Revenue Manual
  • Federal Tax Regulations
  • IRS Publications
  • IRS Letter Rulings and TAMs
  • An assortment of court cases related to taxation, including U.S Supreme Court and U.S. state court cases

*Both of these databases are Rutgers-restricted, so require a NETID and password to access.