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Government Accounting: Accounting Organizations

Resources to help find information related to governmental accounting and financial management.

Accounting Organizations

AICPA American Institute of Certified Public Accountants  promotes accounting and finance internationally via exclusive guidance and specialized resources — including designations, certifications and credentials.  

AAA American Accounting Associationcommunity of accountants in academia, with a focus on teaching, research and networking.

FASAB Federal Accounting Standards Advisory BoardThe FASAB serves the public interest by improving federal financial reporting through issuing federal financial accounting standards and providing guidance after considering the needs of external and internal users of federal financial information.

FASB Financial Accounting Standards Boardindependent, private-sector, not-for-profit organization that establishes financial accounting and reporting standards for public and private companies and not-for-profit organizations that follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

GASB Governmental Accounting Standards Board independent, private-sector organization that establishes accounting and financial reporting standards for U.S. state and local governments that follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).