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Collaborative for Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization (CTEC)

Creating a P&L Balance Sheet

8 Steps to Creating a Profit and Loss Statement - from The Motley Fool

How to Prepare a Profit and Loss Statement -

Use Marketline to browse by sector, geography or database to help determine cost structure for goods, manufacturing and labor.

Industry Ratios

IBISWorld provides statistics for over 700 U.S. industries as categorized by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), featuring industry data charts covering parameters such as revenue, employment, imports, wages, domestic demand and value of residential construction. as well as tables depicting annual change and key ratios. Find these under the Key Statistics tab. 

The Industry Analysis tab in Mergent features industry comparisons, characteristics and scatter charts. 

 Other sources include:

Supply Chain

Refer to this list of Flowcharts to gain an understanding of the supply chain for certain products or processes.