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Collaborative for Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization (CTEC)

RU Libraries Workshops

New Brunswick Libraries workshops

A listing of workshops and events hosted by New Brunswick Libraries, available for a wide range of Rutgers audiences, including Masters and Graduate students. Topic categories include Data Manipulation/Wrangling, Data Science, Data Visualization, Qualitative Analysis, Quantitative Analysis and Statistics. 

Population: Who will benefit from the proposal

Census Data

QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more.

Expert tips and tricks outlining how to access and use Census Bureau Data:

  • New Updates to – June 2019
  • Data Gems Tutorials - a series of "how-to" videos for data users looking for an easy and quick way to enhance their knowledge of Census data. They outline various concepts and techniques to improve navigation of the website and utilize data-access tools.

  • Census Reporter
    • A free, open-source platform focused on making American Community Survey (ACS) data more accessible, including the recent upload of the 2022 1-Year ACS data
  • Esri

Management Analysis