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How to use Factiva

Explains the content available through Factiva and the various ways to search it.

How to use Search Form

  • You can also use the classic Search Form view. This allows you to use free text search without having to enter Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT), as well as the ability to search by fields that have been indexed, typically getting more targeted results than by using just keywords.
  • Again, let’s search for food insecurity.
    • Type: food insecurity in the "this exact phrase" box to search that exact phrase anywhere in a document.
    • In the subject field, type food and the field for food/drinking water security comes up. Add this to the search. 
      • Any index codes added to the search will be highlighted in yellow
    • For the Date - select past year


Narrowing Your Search

  • Using region codes, you can narrow the search, to northeast US or New Jersey, for example.
    • TIP: The larger umbrella codes broaden your search, the more specific subcodes can be used to refine your search. 

Link to a Quick Reference Card for additional assistance. 



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