In September 2024, Factiva switched to a new interface that presents a single search box allowing natural language searching of news articles and company/market information together. The new interface also displays feeds of major headlines from worldwide and regional news sources. You may switch back to the classic interface featuring Search Form and Free Text options using the "Switch Factiva" button in the top right.
New Factiva Interface:
Classic Factiva Interface:
The classic interface is a traditional advanced search, and the news search and companies/markets information are in separate tabs. Factiva intends for the new interface to be easier for beginning users, while the classic interface remains available for advanced searching. Please see ProQuest's Factiva Guide for more information about the new interface, including comparisons to the classic interface and training videos.
Factiva is an archive of over 32,000 major global newspapers, newswires, industry publications, magazines, reports and other sources. Although its focus is business news, it can be used to locate information on a variety of topics, including politics, current events, trends and government data.
Rutgers University Libraries has an academic subscription to Factiva, which includes the following features:
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