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Business Forum - New Brunswick (33:011:300)

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Rutgers Online Databases

IBISWorld research reports provide trends, statistics, and analysis on market size, market share of competitors, and industry growth rates for over 1,000 industry sectors.

You can also consult MarketLine for industry profiles.

Mergent Online includes Investext, a collection of some industry (but mostly company) reports from analysts at over 400 investment banks, brokerage firms, and independent research organizations. This collection provides access to the two most current reports on 125 industries represented by publicly-traded companies. 

Using Government Data

Done every five years by the Census Bureau, the Economic Census provides comprehensive and detailed statistics on employer businesses and serves as the benchmark for nearly every business survey conducted by the Census Bureau. It was last done in 2022 and statistics will continue to roll out throughout 2024.

Compare manufacturing data over time via the Industrial Statistics Database: INDSTAT 4. Located on the UNIDO (UN Industrial Development Organization) platform, it contains manufacturing sector data from 1990 to the present.


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