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Summer Tales 2020

Summer Tales was launched to create virtual communities for students taking classes remotely promising short mental breaks from coursework through a fool-proof method of distraction.

Social Media

Love Your Library Quizzes

Bookworm Quizzes

Download & Share: Coloring pages

Platforms for Readers and Writers


You prefer listening to books? Audiobooks are a great way to chill and immerse in a story in the summer. Our top 5 reasons to try audiobooks:

  1. You can have your entire library in your pocket when you go running or to the beach.
  2. You won't look like a total nerd with a backpack of books among music lovers with earphones.
  3. You will be able to pronounce the most difficult words correctly, beating Victor Krum trying to please Hermione.
  4. You have an excuse to ask for the latest ear pods for your birthday.
  5. You can read with your eyes closed. Just don't try that while driving.

Quarantine Reading Lists


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