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George H. Cook Honors Program

Research guide for students in the George H. Cook Honors Program at SEBS

Why Use Databases?

Articles published in journals, magazines, and newspapers are indexed in a variety of online databases. Since no single database provides access to every article ever published, you may need to search multiple databases to find what you are looking for. See Databases to browse by title or subject.

Selecting Databases

Rutgers subscribes to many databases covering a variety of topics. Rutgers off-campus users must log in with their NetID to access restricted resources.

TIP: Found a few relevant articles with QuickSearch?

Scroll to the bottom of each record to SOURCE and check which databases indexed the journal that published the article.

Retrieving Full-Text Articles

Rutgers has many databases that provide full-text articles in PDF or html form. Others provide only citations or abstracts. There are several options for locating the full text.

  • If you don't see the PDF icon or a link to the full text of an article, click the  Get it @ R button. If the article is available via Rutgers, you will gain access.
  • If the article is not available at Rutgers, you will be able to request an electronic copy through an Article Delivery link in the database.
  • If you do not see an Article Delivery option, you can copy and paste the title of the article into QuickSearch. Log in with your NetID to see access or delivery options.
  • If the title does not show up, try checking the "Expand My Search" box to access the record from another library, then click the Article Delivery button. The interlibrary loan form will automatically populate. For further assistance, see: How to Borrow from Other Libraries.
  • You may also check for access in Google Scholar via the Rutgers link. The results will state if Rutgers has access to the article.
  • If all fails, you can always ask a librarian for help.

Suggested Databases