For Choosing Databases:
- Read the description in the "About" section of the database on the listing page.
- Start with large, multidisciplinary databases.
- Continue with subject-specific databases.
- Take advantage of the Help section of each database.
TIP: You’ll learn more about your topic with each search. Take notes of new ideas and concepts as you go. They might serve as your new search terms.
Tips for Searching Databases:
- Identify search terms (main ideas, concepts, theories): female + athletes + nutrition.
- Connect your terms with AND or OR for better search results. For example:
- female AND athletes (both)
- women OR female (either-or)
- Use filters: dates, subjects, article type, population, etc.
- Search for exact phrase with quotes: "female triathletes"
- Use truncation: athlet* (athlete, athletes, athletic).
- Use wildcards (wom$n for woman and women).
- Mix and match all of the above.
TIP: Improve your results based on your findings by changing your terms and trying again in different databases.