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Citing Sources of Information: Writing for the Health Sciences

This LibGuide was designed to provide you with assistance in citing your sources when writing an academic paper.

EndNote LibGuide For Extra Help

This LibGuide will assist you with all questions you may have on the use of EndNote from donwnload to publication!


EndNote is a program that helps users quickly collect and organize references from online sources (or elsewhere), create a searchable personal database, find and cite these references while writing, and create bibliographies formatted in their style of choice.

EndNote Output Styles

EndNote's output styles allow you to format your Word document in a variety of bibliographic styles. Currently there are over 5,000 styles to choose from. The most popular styles are American Psychological Association (APA), Modern Language Association (MLA), JAMA/American Medical Association (AMA), and Vancouver.

In Cite While You Write (CWYW) - the EndNote feature that allows you to use it to format citations in Microsoft Word - your references will be formatted in whatever style you select.

Download Output Styles in EndNote

New and updated output styles can be downloaded from the EndNote website for free. Review the list of available styles by clicking the link below.

What if EndNote Doesn't Have the Output Style I Need?

If EndNote has not developed an output style for the journal or format you need, you can edit an existing output style to suit your needs. (Note: Be sure to check the most current list of available output styles on the EndNote website first.)

Where is AMA Style in EndNote?

Question:  I am trying to use the AMA style for my paper; however, I cannot find that style in EndNote. Is there another name it is under?

Answer:  In EndNote, the AMA Style is under JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA.ens which is ordered below J Zoology. If you don’t find it in the EndNote Styles folder, you may download that style at and save it in your EndNote Styles folder

How to Edit an Output Style

From EndNote to Excel

Instructions and screen shots showing how to convert an EndNote library into an Excel spreadsheet. Click on the pdf file below to get step-by-step instructions on converting an EndNote library to an Excell spreadsheet.

Modifying Reference Types & Output Styles

Explains relationship between reference types & output styles & provides information on how to modify output styles.

Below is documentation from Thomson Reuters on editing output styles. This manual is periodically updated. To make sure you're referencing the most current version you may want to view this manual directly on the EndNote website.


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