This guide is designed to supplement your career planning with helpful links to online resources.
Related Library Guides to assist in your research include:
Student Employment - The Student Employment Office at Rutgers University has employment opportunities available on-campus, off-campus, in the new America Reads tutoring program, and in community agencies. Some of the programs are for financial aid recipients; others are open to all university students.
Financial Aid - For students in the Federal Work Study program, additional information about employment.
Campus Career Services - Rutgers University Careers Services offer a wide variety of services to assist students, alumni, faculty, and staff in preparing for and developing their careers and finding employment.
Additional Links for Students:
Virtual Drop-in Career Studio - virtual common space where Rutgers-New Brunswick students and alumni can drop in and get on-the-spot assistance with their career journey, from the comfort of their own computer.
Alumni Resources:
The libraries purchase books to assist you in preparing for a career. The majority of these books can be found in the Carr Library in New Brunswick, Robeson Library in Camden, and the Dana Library in Newark. The Career Collection is separate from the other collections in the Carr Library. Please ask at the Circulation or Information Desk for the location of the career collection.
Many career books can also now be found online. You can search for these books using the library catalog.