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Rutgers Dissertations and Theses

Library research guide for identifying and locating Rutgers dissertations and theses from the earliest years to the present day.

Cook Scholar Papers

George H. Cook Scholar Papers (1968-present) are senior honors theses from students in the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (formerly Cook College) who conduct independent research studies as part of the George H. Cook Scholars Program. The papers are cataloged in QuickSearch under the series title George H. Cook scholar papers, and are located in the Chang Library (STACKS LD4751.25.G478).

  • George H. Cook Scholar Papers are non-circulating. As unpublished papers/student records, theses may be consulted in the Chang Library and may be photocopied only on a limited basis. George H. Cook Scholar Papers may not be photocopied in their entirety without permission from the author.

Henry Rutgers Scholars Theses

Henry Rutgers Scholars Theses are senior honors theses from students who conducted independent research studies as part of the Henry Rutgers Scholars Program between 1951 and 2008.

  • The disposition of Henry Rutgers Scholars theses depends on the time period in which they were created:
    • 1951-1972 - microfilm in Special Collections and University Archives, not cataloged but arranged by author.
    • 1973-1981 - treated like books--cataloged and shelved in the stacks of the appropriate Rutgers library. Search QuickSearch to find locations and call numbers. Tips for searching are included in a separate section of this guide.
    • 1982-2008 - treated as student records--sent to the Rutgers University Archives directly from the Dean's office, not cataloged but arranged by year and author. May be requested through the reference desk of Special Collections and University Archives in person or by phone (848-932-6159).
  • Lists of Henry Rutgers Scholars Theses were published in the Rutgers College Convocation Program and may be consulted at the Special Collections and University Archives (SC/UA) reference desk. SC/UA also has a list of Henry Rutgers theses from 1968-1979 organized by department, author, and title. Some theses with New Jersey and Rutgers-related topics are cataloged separately in QuickSearch. Tips for searching are included in a separate section of this guide.
  • Henry Rutgers Scholars Theses from 1951-1972 and 1982 to 2008 are non-circulating; theses from 1973-1981 are part of the circulating collections. As unpublished papers/student records, theses may be consulted in the reading room of Special Collections and University Archives, or, for some years, in the stacks of the appropriate library, and may be photocopied only on a limited basis. Henry Rutgers Scholars Theses may not be photocopied in their entirety without permission from the author.
  • For further assistance contact the Special Collections and University Archives reference desk (848-932-6159) or the Rutgers University Archives.

Mabel Smith Douglass/Stanton-Anthony Honors Papers

Mabel Smith Douglass/Stanton-Anthony Honors Theses (1981-2008) are senior honors theses from Douglass College students who conducted independent research studies as part of the Douglass Scholars Program.

  • Theses may be requested through the reference desk of Special Collections and University Archives in person or by phone (848-932-6159).
  • Lists of Mabel Smith Douglass Honors Theses were published in the Douglass College Convocation Program and may be consulted at the Special Collections and University Archives reference desk. SC/UA also has author/title lists, by year, for 1981-1985 and 1992-1998. Some theses with New Jersey and Rutgers-related topics are cataloged separately in QuickSearch. Tips for searching are included in a separate section of this guide.
  • Mabel Smith Douglass Honors Theses are non-circulating. As unpublished papers/student records, theses may be consulted in the reading room of Special Collections and University Archives and may be photocopied only on a limited basis. Mabel Smith Douglass Honors Theses may not be photocopied in their entirety without permission from the author.
  • For further assistance contact the Special Collections and University Archives reference desk (848-932-6159) or the Rutgers University Archives.

Paul Robeson Scholars Theses

Paul Robeson Scholars Theses (through 2008) are senior honors theses from Livingston College students who conducted independent research studies as part of the Livingston College Honors Program.

  • Robeson Scholars Theses are not cataloged. A list of Paul Robeson Scholars Theses from 1984 to 2004 may be consulted at the Special Collections and University Archives reference desk.
  • Paul Robeson Scholars Theses are non-circulating. As unpublished papers/student records, theses may be consulted in the reading room of Special Collections and University Archives and may be photocopied only on a limited basis. Paul Robeson Scholars Theses may not be photocopied in their entirety without permission from the author.
  • For further assistance contact the Special Collections and University Archives reference desk (848-932-6159) or the Rutgers University Archives.

SAS Interdisciplinary Honors Theses

SAS Honors Theses are independent research projects completed by seniors in the School of Arts and Sciences. The program replaced the Henry Rutgers Scholars Program, the Douglass Scholars Program, and the Livingston College Honors Program beginning with academic year 2008-2009.

For information on the availability of SAS Honors Theses, please contact the SAS Honor's Program.

Departmental Honors Papers

Some departmental honors papers completed at Rutgers, generally those with New Jersey or Rutgers related topics, may be cataloged and appear in QuickSearch or may be housed in the Rutgers University Archives. Tips for searching are included in a separate section of this guide.

  • For further assistance contact the Special Collections and University Archives reference desk (848-932-6159) or the Rutgers University Archives.