Is this a topic I have always wanted to know more about?
Does this topic meet the requirements of my project?
Select a topic you find interesting. If you find a topic compelling, the research and writing process may be more satisfying for you.
If you pick a problem or issue that is too general, you won't be able to adequately cover it in your assignment. If you select a problem or issue that is too narrow, you may have trouble finding helpful sources to inform your assignment.
What terms do you need to know to better understand this issue?
Who is affected by issue?
What are the main controversies associated with the issue?
Who are the key figures and organizations surrounding this issue?
What significant events have occurred related to this issue?
Research can be seen as a series of linked activities moving from a beginning to an end. It usually begins with the identification of a problem followed by formulation of research questions or objectives. The researcher determines what information to collect and how it will be analyzed in order to answer the research question.
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