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Physics Education

This guide was created for Dr. Eugenia Etkina's class

Physics/Science Teaching Organizations

Professional physics teaching organizations are good sources of information about careers, as well as resources for research and news.

American Association of Physics Teachers AAPT is "a professional membership association of scientists dedicated to enhancing the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching." They publish the American Journal of Physics, The Physics Teacher, and Physics Today.

New Jersey AAPT New Jersey Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers supports Physics educators in New Jersey and surrounding areas. "The majority of NJAAPT members are high school and college faculty teaching in New Jersey.    Activities and resources include Workshops, Conferences, Meetings, Sharing Sessions, Lectures, a Listserve, and a Website."

American Association for the Advancement of Science "Triple-A-S" is the publisher of the journal Science, and other publications. "AAAS is an international non-profit organization dedicated to advancing science for the benefit of all people."

Association for Science Teacher Education "The Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) promotes leadership and support for professionals involved in the education and development of teachers of science at all levels." Publishes the Journal of Science Teacher Education.

National Association for Research in Science Teaching "is a worldwide organization for improving science teaching and learning through research." They publish the Journal of Research in Science Teaching.

National Science Teachers Association publishes The Science Teacher and other journals. Their site has resources on special topics such as climate change, lab safety, and students with disabilities.

New Jersey Science Teachers Association has been in existence since 1905. Organizations for science teachers exist in many states.

Physics Instructional Resource Association "PIRA is an association of professionals dedicated to the support and advancement of physics education, [working] together and in alliance with physics educators and support specialists to develop effective teaching tools and techniques to aid and promote physics education." The site has a collection of physics demonstrations for use.

Physics Teacher Education Coalition PhysTEC "Improving the Education of Future Physics Teachers" A partnership of the American Physical Society and AAPT. Contains teaching and professional development resources.