Some of our databases provide only abstracts of articles (referred to as indexes). In order to get the full text of an article, you will need to use the Get it at R feature. Please see How Do I Find an Article for help with this as well as searching our databases.
Hint: When searching our databases, use "teaching physics" rather than "physics education". Searching for physics education may give you unwanted results about physical education.
These are journals specifically about science education or teaching physics. For journals about research in physics, please click here.
Physics Teacher published by the American Association of Physics Teachers. Full text available online from 1963 - present.
Physics Education published by the Institute of Physics. Full text available online from 1966 - present.
American Journal of Physics by the American Association of Physics Teachers. Full text online access available from 1940 - present.
Electronic Journal of Science Education ESJE. Online full text access from 1996-present.
Journal of Research in Science Teaching full text online access available through Wiley online library from 1996 - present. Earlier articles available in print through Article Delivery.
Journal of Science Teacher Education published by the Association for Science Teacher Education. Full text online access available from 1997 through one year from the present ( 1 year embargo).
Research in Science Education full text online access available from 1997 - present.
Science Education full text online access available from 1997 - present. Print available from 1931 through Article Delivery.
Science Teacher published by the National Science Teachers Association. Full text online access from 1989 - present. Some print available back to 1941 through Article Delivery.
General Science Magazines: these do not contain scholarly articles, but they review current research in science. They can be understood by high school students, and could be incorporated into your lesson plans.
Discover online access available from 1992 - present. Also available from
Scientific American online access available from 2005 - present, also from 1845 - 1908. Other years available in print through Article Delivery.
Education databases:
ERIC- Education Resources Information Center is a national online digital library sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education. The largest education database in the world, ERIC contains over 1.3 million citations for journal articles, books, research papers, conference papers, technical reports, policy papers, dissertations, theses, and other materials in the field of education. ERIC provides full text for 328, 266 items. It is also freely available at
Proquest Education Journals Provides access to more than 900 scholarly journals in the field of Education, along with trade journals and magazines. Approximately 600 titles are available full-text.
Teacher Reference Center provides indexing and abstracts for over 280 peer-reviewed journals. Topics include assessment, pedagogy, elementary education, continuing education, higher education, school administration, teacher education, and literacy standards.
Science Databases:
ScienceDirect indexes over 2500 science periodicals, and Rutgers University Libraries provides full text for more than 1,500 of these titles.
Scopus is a citation and abstract database of peer-reviewed literature containing over 50 million records in the areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage strongest in the physical sciences (7,200+ titles) and health sciences (6,800+ titles).
Web of Science provides complete bibliographic data for more than 8000 journals in the sciences, searchable author abstracts, and cited references. Journals covered in Web of Science are chosen for their credibility, influence, and relevancy.
General and other Databases: These may be of use for your lesson plan assignment.
Academic Search Premier is a good multi-disciplinary database designed specifically for academic institutions. With a large collection of peer-reviewed full-text journals, the database offers information in nearly every area of academic study including physics.
Dissertations & Theses @ Rutgers Universityis a subset of the larger Dissertations & Theses database. Covering all disciplines, the database incorporates ongoing additions for Rutgers dissertations and theses accepted as recently as last semester. Rutgers users have free access to the full text (PDF format) of most dissertations and theses completed at Rutgers University since 1997. A small number of titles from previous years are also available full text.
History of Science, Technology & Medicine indexes journal articles, conference proceedings, books, book reviews, and dissertations in the history of science, technology, and medicine and allied historical fields.
JSTOR provides access to more than 2,000 important scholarly journals. Coverage is from 1665 to approximately 2010. More recent articles are not available due to publisher restrictions.
Marquis Biographies Online provides brief biographical information in directory format. Common features include birth date and place, family, education and degree(s), career history, creative works, awards, military history, achievements, current memberships, interests/hobbies, and contact information.