Harris, Robert A. The Plagiarism Handbook: Strategies for Preventing, Detecting, and Dealing with Plagiarism. Los Angeles: Pyrczak Publishing, 2001.
APA Style- The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) American Psychological Association Style help from Purdue University
APA Style Guide to Electronic References an e-book available to Rutgers students and faculty
MLA Style- Purdue OWL Modern Language Association Style
EasyBib MLA Format a formatting guide from EasyBib
CSE Style Council of Science Editors A quick guide to this style by Penn State Libraries
Citation managers can help you organize your references, format citations, and create bibliographies. Below are some citation managers available for free or through Rutgers Libraries.
Refworks available to Rutgers users. You will need to create an account to use Refworks. Many databases, as well as Google Scholar, will export citations to Refworks.
Zotero available for free. A guide to using Zotero is here.
EasyBib a free citation and bibliography generator for APA, MLA, and Chigago styles.
Plagiarism.org Resources for teachers and students
Plagiarism video from Rutgers Robeson Library
Internet Plagiarism: A Teacher's Combat Guide