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Physics and Astronomy

This is the Physics and Astronomy Research Guide

Introduction to e-books

Electronic books (e-books) are full-text books available online. They can be accessed 24/7, although those that are Rutgers-resticted will require you to log in with your NetID and password. Another convenience of e-books is that they typically allow keyword searching of the full-text. While some e-books are the equivalent of a print book, others may be "born digital" (i.e., started off in electronic format) - thus, some content may only be available in e-book form.

Springer Nature e-Books

Through an arrangement with the Big Ten Academic Alliance, we now have over 2700 Springer titles in the areas of Physics and Astronomy, Mathematics and Statistics, Chemistry and Materials Science, Biomedical and Life Sciences, Energy, and Medicine. The collection can be accessed at

Physics and Astronomy titles are available for printing from 2016 forward. Go to the above link, and click on Physics to browse the titles. You will need to select Books on the left, and the publication year at the top. Click on the title of a book. You can download a copy onto your computer by clicking Download Book for the PDF or ePUB version.

To print a copy, click the Buy Now button in the MyCopy Softcover Edition box.


The book quality is the same as a normal paperback. You can see the quality in this brief YouTube Video.

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