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Physics and Astronomy

This is the Physics and Astronomy Research Guide

Rutgers Restricted Indexes & Databases

To see a full list of Indexes and Databases available at Rutgers, click here.

The IEEE/IEE Electronic Library(IEL) is a collaboration between the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)in the US and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) in the UK. It covers more than 30% of the world's literature in electrical engineering, electronics, computer science, information science, materials science, physical sciences and biomedical engineering. The database allows for full text access to over 140 journals, over 800 conference proceedings and 800 standards from more than 36 not-for-profit IEEE societies and IEEE.

MathSciNet is the most comprehensive resource for the international literature of mathematics and statistics. Coverage includes the bibliographic data and reviews of mathematical research contained in the Mathematical Reviews Database.

SciFinder is the electronic version of the print publication "Chemical Abstracts". SciFinder comprehensively covers the world-wide literature of chemistry including journal articles, patents, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations, technical reports, government documents, etc. It may be useful for research in chemical physics.

Scopus is a citation and abstract database of peer-reviewed literature that can be used by researchers to determine the impact of specific authors, articles/documents, and journals, as well as find articles about topics in physics.

The SPIE Digital Library is the most extensive resource available on optics and photonics, providing unprecedented access to more than 370,000 technical papers from SPIE Journals and Conference Proceedings from 1962 to the present. More than 18,000 new technical papers are added annually.

Science Citation Index, accessed via Web of Science, covers original research articles, reviews, editorials, chronologies, abstracts, and more from over 6,650 of the world's leading scientific and technical journals across 150 disciplines including physics and astronomy.


Freely Accessible Indexes & Databases

arXiv is a pre-print repository that provides open access to over 1 million e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics.

ADS is a Digital Library portal for researchers in Astronomy and Physics. It maintains three bibliographic databases containing more than 8.5 million records: Astronomy and Atrophysics, Physics, and arXiv e-prints.

HEPDATA is a database containing numerical reaction data such as cross sections (differential and total), polarization measurements, structure functions, fragmentation functions etc.

SPIRES HEP is a joint project of SLAC, DESY & FNAL as well as the worldwide HEP community. Besides HEP search, it also offers search for HEPName, Institutions, Conferences, Experiments, Jobs, and Videos.

The Particle Data Group is an international collaboration that summarizes Particle Physics, as well as related areas of Cosmology and Astrophysics. The Review of Particle Physics is published on even-numbered years. There are tables, reviews, plots, and others availbale to download on the website.

​SCOAP3 is an acronym for Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics. "SCOAP3 is a one-of-its-kind partnership of thousands of libraries, key funding agencies and research centers in more than 40 countries. Working with leading publishers, SCOAP3 has converted key journals in the field of High-Energy Physics to Open Access at no cost for authors." Rutgers contributes to SCOAP3.