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General guide to print and online resources for music studies

Scores in Douglass Library

Douglass Library is home to Rutgers University New Brunswick's musical score collection. You can browse the scores on the shelf through the Library of Congress cataloging system, outlined below for music.


In general, instrumental music is organized by the number of performing forces needed:

Scores that begin with M5-M199 generally need one performer. 

Scores that begin with M200, need two performers

Scores that begin with M300, need three performers

Scores that begin with M900, need nine performers

Scores from M1000-1366 need more than nine performers and are generally organized by genre or ensemble type

Vocal music is divided between sacred and secular music.

Etudes and other instructional materials can be found in MT170-MT810.


You can also search for scores at Rutgers through QuickSearch. It is recommended to use the resource type filter for "Score" either before or after a search is performed. See the QuickSearch link below.

Detailed Outline of the Shelving System for Scores

M1-1.A15 Music printed or copied in manuscript in the United States or the colonies before 1860

M2-2.3 Musical sources

M3-3.3 Collected works of individual composers

M5-1480 Instrumental music

M5 Collections

M6-175.5 One solo instrument

M176 Motion picture music

M176.5 Radio and television music

M177-990 Two or more solo instruments

M1000-1075 Orchestra

M1100-1160 String orchestra

M1200-1270 Band

M1350-1366 Other ensembles

M1375-1420 Instrumental music for children

M1470-1480 Aleatory music. Electronic music. Mixed media

M1490 Music printed or copied in manuscript before 1700

M1495-2199 Vocal music

M1495 Collections

M1497-1998 Secular vocal music

M1497 Collections

M1500-1527.8 Dramatic music

M1528-1529.5 Two or more solo voices

M1530-1609 Choruses

M1611-1624.8 One solo voice

M1625-1626 Recitations with music

M1627-1853 Folk, national and ethnic music

M1900-1985 Songs of specific groups or on specific topics

M1990-1998 Secular vocal music for children

M1999-2199 Sacred vocal music

M1999 Collections

M2000-2007 Dramatic music

M2010-2017.6 Choral services, etc.

M2018-2019.5 Two or more solo voices

M2020-2101.5 Choruses

M2102-2114.8 One solo voice

M2115-2146 Hymnals. Hymn collections

M2147-2188 Liturgy and ritual

M2190-2196 Sacred vocal music for children

M2198-2199 Popular religious and devotional music

MT170-810 Instrumental Techniques (aka etude books)

Online Scores

Searching for Scores outside of Rutgers

Many physical scores are available outside of Rutgers University Libraries. Use the links below to search for and request them to be delivered to you through the libraries.


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