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Quantitative Finance

This guide is designed for the special needs of students in the MQF program at the Rutgers Business School.

Survey the Industries

Begin here:  Articles from the business press as well as industry and trade magazines may be found on Business Source Premier (Rutgers-restricted access). 

You can find an industry profile with employment and wage trends for states and counties through America's Career InfoNet: Industry Information.

IBISWorld provides Industry Reports for more than 1,200 sectors in the United States. IBISWorld research reports contain trends, statistics and analysis on market size, market share of competitors, and industry growth rates. (Rutgers-restricted access)

Find your industry sector's profile (over 150 available for the United States) on MarketLine. The database will also provide links to current news affecting the industry sector. (Rutgers-restricted access)

Mintel Reports features consumer (b to c) industries and market research related to those industries. (Rutgers-restricted access)

For overviews on dozens of Industry sectors, look at Vault Career Intelligence. After you connect, you have to create an account with your Rutgers email address and any password. (Rutgers-restricted access) (Non-Rutgers students have to register with as a member.)

For other sources of information on industries, refer to the Industry Research Guide or browse the titles listed on the guide to Industry News and Trade Magazines.


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