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Quantitative Finance

This guide is designed for the special needs of students in the MQF program at the Rutgers Business School.

Primary Databases

These are Rutgers restricted databases for statistical data of all sorts.

Global Financial Data
The Global Financial Database is the most complete collection of historical and current financial and economic data available in the world. Covering more than 150 different countries, it provides over 30,000 different data series that you can immediately download directly from the web site. Most series can also be viewed in graph format at the web site. []
The International Monetary Fund's (IMF) eLibrary
The IMF eLibrary provides direct access to the IMF’s major data and statistical tools such as International Financial Statistics (IFS), Balance of Payment Statistics (BOP), Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS), and Government Finance Statistics (GFS). Country level data includes bank balances, financial flows, indebtedness, exchange rates, trade volumes and values, employment, interest rates, inflation rates, and more. World data is available for similar topics, as well as commodity prices for major internationally traded goods. [Now open and unrestricted, but still available through the Rutgers University Libraries]  []
Mergent Online
Mergent Online is a database of corporate information covering thousands of US and foreign companies. The contents of the database are equivalent to the print Mergent (formerly Moody's) Manual series. Information available for each company includes the following:
  • A complete corporate history including acquisitions and changes in ownership structure
  • Lists of subsidiaries, property holdings, and key personnel
  • Up to 25 years of annual and quarterly financial data, including balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and financial ratios
  • Up to 10 years of scanned, full-image, annual reports, along with full coverage of SEC filings
  • Extensive information about the corporation's current long term debt
  • Reports on insider and institutional owners
Mergent Horizon
Mergent Horizon provides a 360 degree view of a company's competitors, suppliers, partners, and corporate customers, using a detailed hierarchical classification system for actual products and services. Records may be retrieved by company name, product or service category, or tradename. Data can be analyzed for an individual company or aggregated for an industry sector. Mergent Horizon covers over 6,000 actively traded public companies in the United States. []
Value Line Research Center
The Value Line Research Center is a comprehensive source of information and advice on approximately 1,700 stocks in 97 industries, the stock market, and the economy. The Research Center also includes options data, mutual funds reports, and a survey of Convertible Stock. These are not available in the print Value Line Investment Survey. []

The Research Center covers the most current 13 weeks of reports. For prior issues of reports, see the Value Line Historical Reports module. []
Data-Planet Statistical Datasets
Data-Planet Statistical Datasets provide fast and easy access to data from more than 70 organizational sources, with over 35 billion data points from 4.9 billion datasets available. All of the data have been standardized and structured, and are described with up to 37 fields of metadata, including a controlled vocabulary. Coverage includes US Federal, US State, International, and nonprofit organizational sources.  []

Other Rutgers business databases are described on the Business Databases: Quick Guide.

Additional Data Sources

FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data) (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
Online since 1991, FRED is a broad and deep collection of economic data series about the United States and the world.  Pulls in major series from other government agencies (BEA and BLS, for example), making FRED a convenient place to look for data.  You can create a free account.

Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
International monetary and financial statistics.


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