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Library and Information Science Research

Library research guide with links and information for library and information science research.

A Sampling of Books by SC&I Library and Information Science Department Authors

Tips for finding e-books at the Libraries

Electronic books are listed in QuickSearch along with their more tangible print counterparts. To find electronic books (e-books) in QuickSearch:

  1. Enter your search term(s).
  1. Once you have a list of results, use the options at the left to narrow your search to e-books.
    • Under "Resource Type" select Book.
    • Under "Limit to" select Available Online
  1. Select any title from the results list to view the complete details for that item including the link for online access.

For general information on searching, visit the QuickSearch help page.



Selected Ebook Collections

The following e-book collections can be searched separately so you can focus your research. Please note that some of the records for books in these collections have been included in QuickSearch while others have not.

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