If you need help with job hunting strategies, resume writing, career counseling, and interviewing techniques, visit the appropriate campus office:
At the Rutgers-Camden Business School:
Also, consider the advice provided with Five Questions to Get You Through Any Interview.
Finally, consider the research studies from the Career Advisory Board at DeVry University.
A curriculum vitae (CV) is an account of your academic or professional life.. Although general guidelines exist, there is no one way to approach a CV,. You might need more than one for different kinds of positions. Consult faculty in your specialty area or just look at the CVs of successful academics in your field.
A resume is a brief presentation of your education and employment experience for non-academic jobs. There is lots of advice about resumes out in the world, some of it wrong or incomplete. Consult a Rutgers career advisor for assistance. One unbroken rule: Make sure that your grammar, spelling, and formatting are flawless. Get a second and third pair of eyes on your resume before submitting it.
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