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Business & Management Job Searching Guide

Snapshots & Analyst Reports

Company Snapshot

For a quick profile of a public company's financial position, current news articles, as well as links to employment opportunities, use one of the following:

Analyst Reports

  • Investext Snapshot is a collection of company (and some industry) reports from analysts at over 400 investment banks, brokerage firms, and independent research organizations. This collection provides access to the latest three reports on more than 40,000 publicly-traded companies and the two most current reports on 125 industries. (Rutgers-restricted Access)
  • The Mergent Equity Research Report offers summaries of: recommendation, analysis, business, earnings momentum, recent developments, price momentum, peer companies, a price performance graph and financials fundamentals graph. Available as part of Mergent Online under the Reports tab(Rutgers-restricted Access)
  • Value Line and Value Line Historical Reports is a comprehensive source of information and advice on approximately 1,700 stocks in 97 industries on U.S. stock markets. (Rutgers-restricted Access)

Company Profiles

Company Profiles & News

  • Business Source Premier: Articles from the business press as well as industry and trade magazines (Rutgers-restricted access)
  • Data Axle Reference Solutions: Company profiles of over 15 million firms and organizations. (Rutgers-restricted access)
  • Factiva: News articles and corporate financials by company name or ticker symbol in the "Companies/Markets" section. (Rutgers-restricted access)
  • MarketLine: The database will also provide links to current news affecting the company and the industry sectors it is in. (Rutgers-restricted access)
  • Mergent Online: information on public firms around the world, with historical background, up to 25 years of financials, details on debt and capital structure, and Mergent's own equity research. (Rutgers-restricted Access)
  • New Jersey Employer Listings
  • PrivCo: research on non-publicly traded companies, including family-owned, private equity-owned, venture-backed, and international unlisted companies. (Rutgers-restricted access)
  • Vault Career Intelligence: After you connect, create an account with your Rutgers email address and any password. (Rutgers-restricted access) 

Organizational Charts

  • The Official Board offers charts for "the world's 20,000 largest corporations" (registration required)
  • CogMap is an organizational chart wiki for companies and organizations. Do note that the information is self-reported and almost anyone can edit the content.
  • More detailed charts of large corporations are available for purchase from The Conference Board.

Salary Data

Rutgers Guide

For other directories of businesses as well as more information on companies, refer to the Company Research Guide.


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