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History: Info for Rutgers-Newark Graduate Students

Welcome to Rutgers-Newark!

As the History and American Studies librarian on the Rutgers-Newark Campus I'd like to make your academic life easier any way I can. So if you have questions about library services or your own research, would like to make an appointment to discuss a research project, or know of materials (books, DVDs, etc.) that you would like added to the Dana Library collections, please feel free contact me. The best way to reach me is via email:

Natalie Borisovets

Useful Stuff to Know

Rutgers Libraries Home Page:

Off-Campus Access:You'll be prompted for your Rutgers NetID when you select a restricted resource such as a database or e-journal when off-campus.

Library Card: Your Rutgers ID is your library card. No other identification is accepted for checking out books.

Loan Periods: Graduate students may borrow Rutgers books for a full semester. The loan period for interlibrary loan materials is generally 4 weeks, and for E-ZBorrow books it's 12 weeks.

Printing: All the computers in the Dana Library are connected to printers. There is a color printer available. Rutgers students get $30 (750 sheets at no charge) on their cards from January - June, then another $30 from July - December.  You can add value to your printing accounts online or in person at room 107 in Woodward Hall.

Scanning: Scanners are available in the computer labs, including the one in the library.

Wireless Access: Access (with RU NetID & passward) is available in Dana Library.