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Graphic Design Capstone: Common Ground

Oxford English Dictionary

Oxford English Dictionary
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Getting Started: Some Books

Contemplating Climate Change: Mental Models and Human Reasoning
Stephen M. Dark. Baca Raton, FL., Routledge, 2019.
"This book is concerned with how we think and act in response to climate change. In particular, faced with deep uncertainty and the multifaceted complexities that characterise the climate change conundrum, how the various actors and institutions involved in the policymaking process make decisions that both aid and impede in the design and implementation of climate change policy."
More books on this subject: Climatic Chages Social Aspects
You Have the Right to Remain Fat
Virgie Tovar. New York, Feminist Pree, 2018.
More books on the subject: Body Image in Women
The Ethics or War and Peace: Religious and Secular Perspectives
Terry Nardin, editor. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1996
"Essays explores the reasons for waging war and for fighting with restraint as formulated in a diversity of ethical traditions, religious and secular...Addresses a set of questions: How do the adherents to each viewpoint understand the ideas of war and peace? What attitudes toward war and peace are reflected in these understandings? What grounds for war, if any, are recognized within each perspective? What constraints apply to the conduct of war?"
More books on the subject: War Religious Aspects
Shifting Grounds: The Social Origins of Territorial Conflict
Burak Kadercan. New York, Oxford University Press, 2023.
More books on the subject: National Territory and War
Debating Democracy: Do We Need More or Less?
Jason Brennan and Hélène Landemore. New York, Oxford University Press, 2022.
"What good is democracy and is there any better alternative?"
More books on the subject: Democracy Moral and Ethical Aspects
The Gun Debate: An Encyclopedia of Gun Rights & Gun Control in the United States
Glenn H. Utter and Robert J. Spitzer. 3rd edition. Amenia, N.Y., Grey House Publishing, 2016.
"Contains over three hundred entries, covering topics such as gun laws and legislation, mass shootings and gun incidents, and information from both groups who support gun rights and those who advocate for stricter gun control."
More books on the subject: Gun Control United States
Prisons Make Us Safer: And 20 Other Myths about Mass Incarceration
Victoria Law. New York, Beacon Press, 2021.
More books on the subject: Imprisonment
The Marijuana Legalization Debate
Kate Mikoley. New York, Cavendish Square Publishing, 2022.
More books on the subject: Marijuana AND Drug Legalization
Vaccine Rhetorics
Heidi Yoston Lawrence. Columbus, Ohio, Ohio State University Press, 2020.
"Addresses the underlying rhetoric of vaccination debates by examining the full spectrum of viewpoints to develop a nuanced way forward."
More books on the subject: Anti-vaccination Movement
Root Shock: How Tearing Up City Neighborhoods Hurts America, and What We Can Do About It
Mindy Thompson Fullilove. La Vergne: New Village Press, 2016.
More books on the subject: Gentrification United States