Engineering applies scientific principles to the solution of practical problems and the design of devices. Above all, engineers are problem solvers.
Engineering has traditionally been grouped into the subdisciplines of chemical, civil, electrical and electronic, industrial, mechanical engineering, and material sciences. With the emergence of newer sub-fields (such as aerospace, biological and biomedical. environmental, and nanotechnology and nuclear engineering) that overlap with other sciences, social sciences, and even humanities disciplines, the scope of engineering has become enormous. The most important literature for engineering are found in: Journals, Conference Proceedings, Patents, Standards, Technical Reports and Books.
Rutgers University does not have a separate engineering library. The engineering collections are mainly held at the Library of Science and Medicine on Busch campus, with some subject related collections at the Mathematical Sciences and Physics Library, also on Busch campus in New Brunswick. Other items may be found in the John Cotton Dana Library in Newark, and Paul Robeson Library in Camden.
For engineering disciplines, the Rutgers University Libraries are attempting to build a research level collection. The collection covers all disciplines and sub-disciplines in engineering. The materials are in English language only and covers all countries with well developed technologies. The estimated size of the engineering collections at Rutgers Libraries is about 40,000 volumes of monographs, 700 current journal and standing order subscriptions and dozen of online index and abstract databases.
Open Textbooks for Engineering by ELD
"The Scholarly Communications Committee from the Engineering Libraries Division of the American Society for Engineering Education have created a new online resource that provides links to open textbooks in the engineering field. This resource aggregates information from around twenty different open educational resource websites and organizes it by engineering discipline and, in some cases, by subdiscipline."