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Dissertations and Theses

A guide to identifying and locating dissertations and theses completed at universities other than Rutgers.


1. Identify - To identify dissertations and theses done at other universities, search Dissertations & Theses Global [Rutgers Restricted] or consult the discipline specific sections of this guide:

2. View - Most works added to the Dissertations & Theses Global [Rutgers Restricted] database since 1997 are available full text along with selected full text from previous years. Look for the PDF link in the database record.

3. Search - Many universities are also making the full-text of dissertations and theses available through a local repository. Check the website of the university where the work was completed, or try a title search using Google, to determine access.

4. Search QuickSearch - In general, the Rutgers University Libraries do not acquire dissertations and theses completed outside of Rutgers for addition to the Libraries' collections. There are exceptions, and dissertations are sometimes republished as books, so do check QuickSearch when trying to locate any dissertation or thesis.

5. Borrow from Other Libraries (Interlibrary Loan)  - Rutgers students, faculty, and staff may use the Interlibrary Loan Service to request dissertations and theses that are not owned by Rutgers and not available full-text online. Use the ILL Book Request form and be sure to include the title, author, school where the dissertation or thesis was completed, and date. The Libraries will attempt to borrow a copy of the material, and will send notification either when the material arrives, or when it's been determined that the material is unavailable.

6. Purchase - Many dissertations and theses are available for purchase in paper, microfilm, or microfiche format from Proquest/UMI. After identifying a title to purchase, use the order a copy option in the Dissertations & Theses Global [Rutgers Restricted] database, or the Dissertation Express service available at the Proquest/UMI web site.