You will find the book: To Err is Human: Building A Safer Health System on the Library Resources page.
Featured databases and tools
CINAHLCINAHL with Full Text provides comprehensive indexing of the nursing and allied health journal literature.
ClinicalKeyClinicalKey provides current information to clinical health care providers via an aggregated content service. It includes clinical overviews, clinical trials, drug monographs, clinical guidelines, patient education handouts, images & multimedia, procedure videos, clinical calculators, and indexing and abstracts from the National Library of Medicine’s MEDLINE database.
Cochrane LibraryCochrane Library is a collection of evidence-based clinical information for healthcare providers. The primary resource, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), contains systemic reviews, protocols, editorials, and supplements. Each systematic review has been prepared and supervised by a Cochrane Review Group (editorial team) of expert clinicians.
DynaMedDynamed is a just-in-time clinical reference tool integrating evidence-based medicine with practical information for clinical practice on more than 3,200 clinical topics. It is designed for physicians, nurses, and other health professionals. It includes clinical decision rules, practice guidelines, calculators, and links to full-text articles indexed by the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) PubMed.
Essential Evidence Plusssential Evidence Plus is a clinical decision-making tool that provides point-of-care information for physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. Essential Evidence Topics are the central feature of the platform; they provide best-evidence answers to the most important clinical questions concerning symptoms, diseases, drugs, and other treatment regimens. Every recommendation carries a strength-of-evidence rating that grades its merit on the basis of all of the evidence available in the relevant literature.
JAMAevidenceJAMAevidence is a platform designed to help clinicians make evidence-based healthcare decisions. It contains textbooks, tools, and forms useful to the critical appraisal process.
JBI EBP DatabaseJBI EBP Database includes a comprehensive range of over 5,000 clinical point-of-care resources, including best practice information sheets, evidence summaries, recommended practices, systemic review protocols, and systemic reviews.
PubMedPubMed’s primary focus is biomedicine and health sciences, but it also includes related fields such as life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering.
UpToDateUpToDate is a point-of-care information resource which contains over 10,000 clinical topics representing 25 specialties. In addition to searching the entire resource or viewing Topics by Specialty, there are options to view the newest updates (What's New), Practice Changing Updates, Drug Information, and Patient Education information (which is available in English and Spanish).
Visible BodyVisible Body is a 3D anatomy visualization database. The Libraries have access to 5 modules on the Visible Body platform: Human Anatomy Atlas, Muscle Premium, Skeleton Premium, Physiology Animations, Heart & Circulatory Premium.
VisualDXVisualDX is a diagnostic clinical decision support system designed to be used at the point of care. To get started, type a symptom, medication, country, or diagnosis in the search box. You can also select “select a problem area” to choose from pre-coordinated scenarios. You can select from a wide variety of options to complete your workup, and then you can view your differential diagnosis.