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Guide to library resources in the field of Chemistry.

Finding e-books on the Libraries website

Type in a topic into the QuickSearch box. On the results page, use the filters on the left for Limit to > Available online, and Resource Type > Books. Click the green button for Apply Filters.

Using QuickSearch filters to refine results

E-book Collections

ACS Symposium Series E-Books

The Symposium Series Archives, also known as E-Book Archives, are available online from 1974 through four years from the present, and access to an additional year will be added each December. (We have rolling access to issues beginning 4 years back.) Content is able to be browsed by year, title, and chapter. Individual chapters may be downloaded.

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Springer Nature E-Books

We have acquired titles in a variety of disciplines, taking advantage of a subscription agreement between Springer Nature and the Big Ten Academic Alliance (formerly called the CIC). There are over 2200 titles in the areas of Chemistry and Materials Science, Biomedical and Life Sciences, Energy, Medicine, and Physics and Astronomy.  The collection can be accessed at

You are able to print these e-books for only $24.99 each. See the box to the right for instructions.


Printing Springer E-Books

Chemistry and Materials Science titles are available for printing from 2016 forward. Go to

Click on Chemistry to browse the titles. You will need to select Books on the left, and the publication year at the top. Click on the title of a book. You can download a copy onto your computer by clicking Download Book for the PDF or ePUB version.

To print a copy, click the Buy Now button in the MyCopy Softcover Edition box.

The Buy Now button, also indicating the price, is located beneath the book cover and metrics on the right-hand side of the screen.










The book quality is the same as a normal paperback. You can see the quality in this brief YouTube Video.