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Women and Science

This guide is for the students in the SEBS Honors Seminar Women and Science. Fall 2019. Instructors: Distinguished Professor Joan W. Bennett and Visiting Professor Catherine Read.




CQ Researcher is a collection of weekly research reports on recent news topics and issues of broad interest in the public policy sphere. Search for "women in STEM"

The History Makers is a collection of oral histories of prominent African Americans.

Marquis Biography Online 

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

Newspaper Articles

Factiva is a powerful database to search for newspaper articles. For additional tips on how to search Factiva, consult this research guide. The date range is prompted to "in the last month" but can be changed to a longer period, up to "last 5 years."

Proquest Historical Newspapers: Combined Search searches simultaneously Chicago Defender, the Courier Post, the New York Times, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Pittsburgh Gazette, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and ProQuest Historical Newspapers: New Jersey Collection.

Select Sources