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African American History Research Seminar

Public Opinion: Polling Data

Researching Black American Public Opinion
Historical overview from the Roper Center. Scroll down for links to Notable Surveys of Black Americans (1945-2020).
Finding Black American Samples for Analysis
Roper Center guide.
A compilation of over 500,000 questions from public opinion polls from 1935 to the present. Limited to polls of the U.S. population at the national level. Restricted Access
Pew Research Center Survey Reports
The Pew Research Center studies attitudes toward the press, politics and public policy issues. Search or browse reports back to 1987.
ANES Guide to Public Opinion and Electoral Behavior
"The Guide provides immediate access to tables and graphs that display the ebb and flow of public opinion, electoral behavior, and choice in American politics over time."
Polling the Nations
"A compilation of the full-text of the questions and responses from over 14,000 national, state and local surveys conducted since 1986 by some 700 polling organizations in the United States and eighty other countries." Restricted Access